
Comparison Of Psychoticism In Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven

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There is nothing better than having a job you both enjoy and are good at. If Edgar Allan Poe were alive today, the perfect job for him, meeting both of these requirements, would be to be a professional gamer. Both his personality and interests make him excellently suited for this field. One such reason for this is that both Poe and gamers are prone to neuroticism , which, according to Christian Nordqvist, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of various medical journals, including http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/246608.php, “is a long-term tendency to be in a negative emotional state. People with neuroticism tend to have more depressed moods – they suffer from feelings of guilt, envy, anger and anxiety, more frequently and more severely than other individuals.” Poe was prone to neurotic behaviors throughout his entire life, which is supported by things such as his persistent negative diction throughout both his fictional and nonfictional works. In his poem “The Raven,” he used words such as “weary,” “bleak,” “sorrow,” “terrors,” “burning,” “Night’s Plutonian Shore,” “Disaster,” “grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, …show more content…

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