
Discrimination In John Stienbeck's Of Mice And Men

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The era of the novel was based upon a time in which discrimination greatly affected the development of the characters. Men probed in hopes of finding work, left feeling solitary or isolated. In John Stienback’s Of Mice and Men, proximately every character suffers from being treated unfairly or being recognized off a distinction in favor of or against. Throughout the course of the novel each individual is presented with a form of discrimination either from the color of your skin,age or gender. Alienation is not only caused by judging those off of a difference or something not of what society bases normality upon but rather obstructs that individual from any type of prosperity.

George and lennie, two friends, pondering on a dream they one day wish to fulfill stumble upon a farm in which they encounter discrimination first hand. Being migrant workers, others view them as a replaceable or consider them not worth keeping or maintaining.Because Lennie is mentally disadvantaged he rely's on George for what takes up a majority of life. He's also seen as a easy and manageable target for Curley because he …show more content…

His disability from his hand and his old age cause him both physically and mentally unstable. Like Crooks, he was secluded from the rest of the people on the ranch. Forced to stay behind after getting his hand caught in a piece of machinery, leaves him he's behind to sweep and clean the ranch. Alongside Candy is his dog, who the other boys don't like. “ … Whyn’t you get Candy to shoot his old dog” ( pg.17 ) The dog is a symbol of the way in which the old and and disabled are not valued on the ranch rather strength over heartwarming attachment.

Each and every form of discrimination shown in Of Mice and Men are prevalent the story through the language and lack of respect, Steinback saw humans as afraid or disgusted by someone who is different. Not being a certain standard of normal, seems to cast them

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