
Distortion In Brave New World By Aldous Huxley

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In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the author utilizes distortion to bring forth the distaste the main character, Bernard, has of the dystopian society he lives in, and therefore address problems in the real world. Distortion is the exaggeration or misinterpretation of reality. Following the thoughts of Bernard lead to the exposure of the story’s distortion, because Bernard’s views match those of modern-day, 21st century ideals, while the people around him are trained in dystopian ideals. Huxley’s fictional London alters each individual's way of life through hypnopaedia and scientifically controlling human development. While brainwashing is typically looked down upon, Huxley’s new world exercises the powers of hypnopaedia to teach the citizens how they should think and act on a daily basis. Whether an Alpha, Beta, or an Epsilon, each group has morning exercise routines and nightly recordings to tell them how clean they should be, how they should feel about drugs and alcohol, and that no one is better than anyone else, so why would you want to be anyone but yourself? Idealistically, it can be said that the …show more content…

The idea of a full life and how to live it is distorted, in which thirty years of beauty and non-laborious work is worth more than over 60 years of hard work and aging. The people value youth and its beauty and never reaching the age to possible have disease. Not only are the people brainwashed to live according to the society’s rules, their feelings are trained as an infant to like and hate certain things such as nature and books. Random-sounding things maybe, but this dystopian wonderland cannot have people looking for a deeper intelligence or thinking about life in forests. With a lifespan of only thirty, they do not really have much time for that, but to aid the process

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