
Does Curiosity Kill Schrodinger's Cat?

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Qn.1. Would plasma waves exist in a) the Sun; b) a neutron star? The concept of plasma waves refers to the idea of any gaseous substance that comprises of a free charged particle such as proton, electron or other ions greatly respond to powerful electromagnetic fields (Maoz, 2016). By virtue of their free charge, plasma waves have the inherent ability to conduct electric current effectively and at the same time generate magnetic fields. This results to the emission of a wide range of radiations. The formation of plasma waves entails heating and ionizing of a gas. This is whereby electrons are gouged out of atoms thus enabling the separation of charges both positive and negative. It makes them exist freely with negligible bond strength. This …show more content…

Does curiosity kill Schrodinger’s cat? Describe the main arguments that apply to this system. One of the biggest mysteries in Quantum physics is the idea of having certain uncertainties. This was best exemplified in the concept of the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment (Maoz, 2016). In this experiment, a cat is thought to be in a closed box with a poisonous gas. The idea of the experiment is that the cat has equal probabilities of being dead and alive depending on the observer. It is best used to explain the concept of superposition of quantum physics. This part looks at whether the curiosity of the observer killed the cat or not. According to the experiment, the chances of the cat being alive and dead are equal as viewed by an outsider (Maoz, 2016). Upon making the observation and viewing that the cat is dead, it can be concluded that since the cat was both alive and dead before it was observed, the curiosity of the observer can be thought to have killed the cat. This shows that the aspect of curiosity was responsible for the elimination of the idea that the cat was alive and dead and only appeared dead after observation. Observation in this case is an aspect of curiosity which can be attributed as the main cause of the death of the cat which had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving and dying before te

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