Does Money Buy Happiness In The Great Gatsby Analysis

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Like The Great Gatsby, in which the main character cannot find happiness regardless of having the money to buy whatever he wants, or the myth of King Midas, a tragedy in which his golden touch turned everything into gold including his own wife, many stories we have heard growing up teach us that money cannot buy happiness. In The Glass Castle, a memoir by Jeannette Walls, the main character’s parents are homeless and refuse to be given help because they were perfectly content with the life they were living. They were always free spirits who took risks and they believed a home and money was not necessary to be happy. However, their daughter, Walls, experienced unhappiness because of poverty. We are taught to believe that happiness could only be obtained through love or self-satisfaction, that money will only make people greedy and depressed, and that money is the root of all evil. However, money can …show more content…

It uses surveys and statistics to prove that people are more happier when they have their own leisure time and they can achieve this by paying people to do work for them. In one of the surveys, the sample was 1,800 Americans and half of the surveyors claimed that paying people to do household work made them happier because they were able to do things that gave them more satisfaction. It is especially important nowadays because so many people are stressed out at work and school and that is affecting their mental health. Having time to relax increases our levels of happiness and using money to pay others to do our work is a quick and easy way to achieve that. We can always return material things, but we can never return time. Because time and how we spend it is so valuable, it makes people happy knowing that they are spending it on things they want to spend it on rather than things they should spend it on. This shows that

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