
Early American Voyages

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The Race to establish trade routes and colonize the new world escalated in the 1400s with many European counties racing to claim new territories as their own. Spain, England, and France were the world super powers during this time frame. The voyagers from these countries set out to colonize as much land in the name of their respective countries as possible. Despite long arduous journeys and failed attempts to colonize the new world such as Roanoke Island, in the Carolinas there was no shortage of eager mean ready to die for the glory of conquering the unknown. For the countries these brave and maybe foolish men served the gain of inhabiting new land was unimaginable increased wealth, power, and religious expansion opening the flood gates for potential capital leaders of European countries would put up to fund expeditions. Early voyagers like Christopher Columbus set out to establish direct routes to the Far East. Although Columbus never reached the Far East, his acclaim of abundant natural resources of Hispaniola, …show more content…

New world diseases like malaria could level a vast majority of a settlements population. Lack of sustenance would stifle inhabitant’s immune system causing the diseases to be even more deadly. Conflict with native Indian tribes hinder early settlements in many way conflicts would kill settlers, during these battles contact with the Indians spread there disease to the settlers, and news of these battles would deter new settler form voyaging to America. Settlements like Roanoke Island could have possible been completely wiped out from Indian invasions. The battles between waring countries occurred as well. According to Schweikarts (2004) “France successfully settled in Fort Caroline in Florida, which came under attack from the Spanish, who slaughtered the unprepared inhabitants, ending French challenges to Spanish power in the southern parts of North

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