The Francisco Franco era of Spain was a long and hard one for the Catalan’s. Franco was a Spanish general who seized power and ruled over Spain as a military dictator for thirty- six years until he died in 1975. During his regime over Spain, he implemented many policies to weaken the Catalan nationalism, Barcelona as a city, and expression of individual opinion and this was a major reason modernism was delayed in coming to Spain. During the last years of Franco’s regime, the people of Barcelona
brand of “exceptionalism”. Two great examples of this are Spain and America, which both had periods of believing themselves to be exceptional. These are also two great examples because in both cases, the countries use the term “exceptional” to be synonymous with “great”- which is not necessarily true. In the 1500s, Spain had its own brand of exceptionalism that heavily influenced its interactions with the Natives of the New World. As Spain became accustomed to its settlement in the New World, many
Spain is a recognized sovereign state located in Europe and within the country there are many different regions and communities. The concept of Spain as one nation is therefore a problem and is something that is debated throughout the country. Although the vast majority of the population recognizes the existence of the Spanish state, what it means to be “Spanish” is very complicated. In one region in north eastern Spain called Catalonia, the people here deny the unity of Spain and accuse Castile
to utilize in their home nation. One of the nations that succeeded the most in exploration was Spain. However, Spain was not originally the “king-country” when it came to exploration (that title went to Portugal) but with the ambition of the Italian, Christopher Columbus, Spain gained the knowledge
Spain was one of the pioneers of colonialism.But as the time passed Spain could not keep up with other European powers? In your opinion what would have changed Spain’s destiny? Old Colonialism started with 15th century.Spain and Portugal were the first to send their men to discover.In the end, Spain went to Latin America and looked for gold and silver there. Spain took away the resources that used to be common to the indigenous population (gold&silver, man power) and used these resources to cover
The Moors were a nomadic people from North Africa, who invaded Spain, taking their Islamic religion and culture with them, in 711. The Moorish land was known as Al-Andalus and included all of the Iberian Peninsula. The Moors ruled parts of Andalucía from the 8th century until the l5th century. 800 years of Moorish rule influenced Spain, making it significantly different even today from the rest of Western Europe. The Moors not only brought their religion, but also their music, art, and architecture
In 2007, Spain was recorded to have 5 million registered immigrants in its local municipalities, which is a staggering amount in comparison to the 180, 000 immigrants in 1990 (Abrahams, 2014, p.118). This is not surprising as with the widespread popularity of globalization, it has been easy for people to migrate from one country to another. Moreover, the widening gap between the rich and the poor has generated an influx of immigrants towards affluent countries, hoping to get a better life for themselves
the people. Spain, a country located south of France and on the Iberian Peninsula, is well-known for using olive oils, spices and herbs in their foods and creates new flavors. Adaptfrom other countries into the influences of their culture, it has made a great impact in their cuisines. Five meals a day, tapa and sherry for late-breakfast and early afternoon outside of home at a coffee shop, and after the main course is assist with dessert; this is a high living standard. Not mention, Spain is the home
a wealthy autonomous community located in the northeastern region of Spain, wants to become an independent sovereign state. Most recently, Catalonia made an attempt to stage an independent referendum on October 1, 2017. The referendum passed by a 90% majority, but what is to happen if the Catalans ultimately voted to succeed from Spain and declare independence. More specifically, how will Catalonian independence affect Spain and the European Union. To take a look at the Catalonian regional history
Over 1,000 years ago, the country of what is now Spain was once home to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. They lived together in harmony- sharing culture, knowledge, and life. Tradition between the three religions became unified and withstood persecutions and exiles. It wasn’t until outside forces from Christian Europe and Islamic North Africa took a stand to separate these religions, desiring each a more “pure” monotheistic religion. Too soon, the toleration was lost forever and the peoples were forced
In the article The God Lugus in Spain by Tovar, the writer widely discusses the evidence of the god Lugus in the Celtic world. It is discovered from the evidence that there are some similarities between how Lugus was portrayed in each of the Celtic dialects. However for the most part, he was portrayed differently in each Celtic dialect. For example, with the way his name was spelt and spoken and from the folklore tales. Throughout the text, Tovar gives evidence through inscriptions of the god Lugus
Introduction Thesis: Ferdinand and Isabella were known as the best rulers Spain had because they turned Spain into a very powerful and wealthy country. Isabella grew up in a family that is a lot like the families seen today. -Isabella was born on April 22 1451 in Madrigal de las Altas Torres. -Isabella had blue eyes, far or chestnut hair, lots of jewels, and magnificent dresses. -Isabella had a mother named Isabella of Portugal and her father John (Juan) of Castile. -She had a half- brother, Henry
Jonathan Rivera History 1 Mr. Thompson 3/1/15 ISIS and Spain: Are they Similar? Events have occurred recently, so much so that we question when it will stop. The recent events of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, has threatened many of the national governments, more importantly the United States. The countries around this “state”, such as Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. These countries are cowering in fear over the massive catastrophes caused by the islamic terrorist group. But we
Spain and England have both had their similarities when conquering the New World (the Americas); however it is their differences that capture our attention. Spain and England were big and powerful in Europe through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Each country had a strong sense of nationalism (self-government), as well as a desire for authority. England had gotten a late start at colonizing due to domestic disputes, but they each had similar goals; power, glory for their nation, and spreading
This regionalism is an obsession and perhaps the most significant change to the country over recent decades has been the creation of seventeen autonomías - autonomous regions - with their own governments, budgets and cultural ministries. The old days of a unified nation, governed with a firm hand from Madrid, seem to have gone forever, as the separate kingdoms which made up the original Spanish state reassert themselves. And the differences are evident wherever you look: in language, culture and
I write to you from New Spain and all of its wonder. I enjoyed reading your last letter, though it did take awhile to get to me. This new world is both marvelous and horrifying at the same time. It appears to have no affect on Don Cortes. Though it is believed he has his mind only on the gold of the people nearby known as the Aztecs with their leader Montezuma. There were rumors that went about before we left that Cortez had only been named Captain because of his position with Diego Velazquez’s
Isabella and Ferdinand II were a good match and they unified Spain. They were known as Catholic Monarchs and Spain have changed in many ways. Their marriage was one of the most important marriages in the history of Spain and possibly the world. Isabella I was born on April 22, 1451 in Madrid. His parents were John II of Castile and his second wife, Isabella of Portugal. His brother, Henry IV, was the heir to the throne of Castile, but on 19 September 1468 in the Agreement Bulls Guisando his brother
A general election occurred in the Republic of Spain in February of 1936, bringing a government supported the left-wing parties to power. A few months later, conservative military officers protested the government of the republic, leading to a Civil War. The following 3 years resulted in fascists and conservatives trying to overthrow the Republic. The Communists, Socialists, Republicans, and the Anarchist’s were the groups defending the Spanish Republic. General Francisco Franco once said “We strive
Spain in the New World As the Spanish began to conquer land in the Americas from the 1500s to 1600s, their demand for goods to bring back to Europe caused a greater need for labor in which the Spanish were not willing to provide themselves. The Spanish were also aspiring to spread the Christian faith unto the Native Americans. When such did not go as planned they used the Native’s rebellion against the Catholic faith as an excuse to use them to force them into laboring for the good of Spanish wealth
were against the Spanish Empire. In some ways, the wars are similar, but they still remain distinctly different. The causes are what makes them so similar and so different. In the similarities, the different economic reforms in Great Britain and Spain are one of the many causes. Both empires were under debt for different reasons. Great Britain was in debt due to the Seven Years War (also known as the French and Indian War) and needed money to pay off the war off. Great Britain decided to impose