
Emily Dickinson Figurative Language

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Poetry is a very powerful form of writing that has been a major essence in life around the world. Emily Dickinson’s poem “I Shall Know Why-When Time Is Over” really speaks to me. Although we come from extremely different backgrounds, I can still connect with this poem. The tone, or tones, of this poem really has an impact on the reader. Also, she uses figurative languages such as repetition and metaphorical writing to emphasize the poem’s meaning. The beautiful thing about poetry is that everyone can relate to some poet, or poem. To begin, Dickinson acquires a strong belief in God and Jesus Christ, just as I do. “ I shall know why when Time is over, and I shall cease to wonder why;” in this quote I believe that she is saying that Christians do not have to worry about the struggles and hardships that we may surpass while we are living on earth. As long as we continue in faith and perform his will, in the end we will all know why such trials come to us. This speaks volumes to me. I come from a Christian family, and I prioritize my religion above all. I have always …show more content…

In line four, Dickinson writes “In the fair schoolroom of the sky;” this is a metaphorical statement. She is comparing heaven to that of a schoolroom. Her reason for doing so is simple. What do students do in a classroom? Learn, of course. That is why Dickinson is comparing heaven to a schoolroom, because when we achieve that goal of making it to heaven, we will learn why unfortunate things happened to us. Another form of figurative language that was used is repetition. Repetition is present in line eight when it says “That scalds me now, that scalds me now”. Dickinson repeats this statement to express her sorrow. This technique allows the reader to realize the intensity of her sufferings. With her successful use of figurative language, she was able to enhance the poem, and manipulate the reader’s

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