
Eragon And Hamlet Comparison

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Throughout the play Hamlet and the novel Eragon, many acts of revenge have been enacted. However, there have been psychological studies that suggest that one cannot resist enacting revenge due to instinctual urges. The id of the mind plays a major role within a person’s actions when a stressing agent occurs to them. A loss of a loved one, in both Eragon’s and Laertes’s cases, has proven to be a deciding factor in whether they desire revenge on the offender.
Familial bonds throughout the ages are typically strong, however there are always exceptions. During the play Hamlet Laertes holds a close bond with both his sister and father. When he was informed of their deaths, he instantly wanted revenge on the one who caused it. After he was informed of the death of his father, he swore to the king, Claudius, that “And so I a noble father lost; A sister driven into desperate terms, Whose worth, if praises may go back again, Stood challenger on mount of all the age For her perfections. …show more content…

After the deaths of his beloved family members, he is enraged and is nudged in the direction of revenge by a close friend. In Eragon, the close friend that pushes him into their rash decision is Saphira: “She left him to ponder her statements. Eragon examined his emotions. It surprised him that, more than grief, he found a searing anger. What do you want me to do...pursue the strangers? Yes,” (Eragon 92). Laertes also has this push of temptation into revenge by Claudius. Both characters then plot an extravagant plan to murder the offending party. Laertes uses the king’s help to organize a duel between himself and Hamlet while Eragon chooses to embark on a strenuous journey to hunt and kill the Ra’zac. In the end, both characters give into their instinctual urges. Although, it can be argued that in their mind, they had no other

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