Essay On Gambia

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Over the past decades, The Gambia has been experiencing a significant number of disastrous events of both natural and anthropogenic origin. These disasters are related to drought, water and climate, locust invasion, environmental degradation, floods and epidemics and have caused great losses to live and property and have pushed several people into poverty.
In view of this situation, The Gambia has recognised disaster management as important to its development and has taken measures to build its capacity and resilience in the face of disasters. The Gambia’s Vision 2020 strategy, launched in 1996, identified the need for a Disaster Preparedness Plan in order to achieve its development goals, and in 1997, Gambia established the National Disaster, Emergency Relief and Resettlement Committee (NDERRC), led by the Vice President.
Basse, the headquarters of the Upper River Region, is a town prone to flooding, especially Kaba-Kama and Basse-Layout, two sub-districts of Basse town. In recent years, flood events in Basse have resulted in huge damages and loss of life within some communities where an urgent reaction is needed. That emergency is also stressed by the fact that we face the threat of climate change.
The investigations in these two sub-districts showed that a collective …show more content…

Most of the activities during the flood are carried out on an individual basis which constraints the scope of minimising damage to properties. If these activities are carried in an organised manner involving the community at large, risk and vulnerability due to flood can be minimised to a substantial level. In this process the empowering of the community will be in the center. The role of supporting institutions will be to facilitate active and meaningful participation of all community

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