Frankenstein Wretch Essay

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When Victor Frankenstein decided to pursue his dream of achieving the creation of life he was expecting more than he got. The Wretch, as he calls it is incapable of looking even close to a human being, but he's just as human as any of us. Because he has a heart that beats and a brain that thinks, he feels as many emotions as anyone else, stronger even, and he needs to use the same resources as us. He was capable of learning all on his own which made him deadly. He is a human being inside and out. Frankenstein's creature was created from the bones of other humans, they were combined to create his final form. But what also took place in creating him was a heart and a brain, he has a heart that beats to keep him alive, and a brain that helps him process and understands languages and information. On pages 38-39, a collage of pictures is shown of the wretch being created you can see …show more content…

He needs the air we need to breathe, he needs the same water as us, and the same food to stay healthy. He also discovers the sun at the beginning of volume II chapter 3, on pages 86 to 89 we can see him discovering everything and adapting to his surroundings. Specifically, on page 89, he sets up a fire to cook what looks like a frog. He needs the food to stay alive just as we do. Then on page 96, he is seen eating a potato along with all the food that he stole from the family house that he had broken into, since he needed a place to stay warm and protected from the harsh weather outside, he broke into a house and made himself at home. He adapted to the living conditions just as any human would again. His body alerted him that he was hungry so he fetched himself food, then when his body was cold he found warmth, when he was tired he found himself a bed and a place to rest. He has the instincts of humans because he is