
How Did Catherine The Great Be Considered An Enlightened Despot

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An Enlightened Despot is the name for an absolute leader who entwines the ideas of the Enlightenment with the reforms they make for the benefit of their people. Catherine the Great, the longest-ruling tsarina of Russia, greatly supported the Enlightenment and promoted its ideals in eighteenth century Russia. She took steps to reform education so her subjects could form an intelligent society as a whole. She used her intelligence to put together a law code that benefited the people of all classes. In order to increase the longevity and lessen the mortality rate of the Russian people, Catherine brought in outside people and goods. Due to her extraordinary reforms, philosophes, and even another Enlightened Despot, praised her. Because of her great accomplishments and her use of Enlightenment ideas to her advantage, Catherine can be considered an Enlightened Despot.
Catherine the Great’s rise to power as an Enlightened Despot marked a change from education being for a select few to a time of great educational reform. Enlightened Despots aim their focus heavily on reforming sources of …show more content…

She became one when she saw major issues in her country and responded to them with reforms. She increased the schooling options available to her subjects and helped the literate gain intelligence that would further people’s intelligence that could continue to serve her country after her reign. Her use of Enlightened science increased the life expectancy of her subjects and moreover, she put her own life at risk for the betterment healthwise for her people. She created the Nakaz to reform the legal system that was outdated. Her reforms were praised by Voltaire and Frederick II of Prussia, two people very familiar with the idea of Enlightened Despots. Catherine’s reforms should not only be thought of as her legacy, but also should raise her to the status of an Enlightened

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