
How Did Pre-Revolutionary France Underwent Some Of The Changes During The French Revolution

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Pre-revolutionary France underwent significant change. How accurate is this statement?
France underwent significant changes during the pre-revolutionary period and caused strenuous amounts of tensions between the three estates. The economy subsided with the lack of control of the country’s expenditure, creating issues for the Third Estate. Political leaders experienced a shift in power as there was an overlap in administration. France underwent cultural change as the Third Estate began to question traditional authority. However, despite there being many alterations to French society, the social division between the estates remained the same throughout the pre-revolutionary period.
France experienced changes in the economy prior the revolution. …show more content…

France was ruled by an absolute monarchy, although the Parlements, the First Estate and the Clergy, held a lot of power. There were many administrative positions used to control France, however, it created an overlapping effect of power . Louis XVI’s weakness as a ruler led to the deterioration of the monarchy . The US Foreign Minister for France, Thomas Jefferson believed Louis’ “mind was weakness itself”, which is not a favourable characteristic for a leader . As France experienced famine, the royal couple lived a luxurious life. The king would eat “four chops, the fat chicken, six eggs in meat juice and a slice of ham” in one sitting, with not an inch of regret towards the Third Estate who were starving . Marie Antoinette was most remembered for her ‘affair with the diamond necklace’ . The 2800 carat diamond necklace seeded a lot of hatred towards the Queen from the people . Despite her not actually purchasing it, the 1.5 million livre necklace cost her reputation . The fraud caused a lot of distrust for the Monarchy within the people. France experienced a significant change in their political body during the pre-revolutionary …show more content…

Catholicism was the dominant religion in this period . The king’s position upheld great respect as the people believed his power was sourced from God . The 18th century in France is known as the Age of Enlightenment as influential figures such as Voltaire and Rousseau inspired the Third Estate . These Philosophes introduced ideas of freedom. Voltaire believed the “single man” should become ruled “by law alone” to gain independence . Rousseau demonstrated the importance of “rights as a community as a whole” regarding the different benefits in the hierarchical divisions found through the estates . This atmosphere of questioning how France was governed was a significant change in the pre-revolutionary

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