How Is Atticus Finch A Champion Of Justice

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Betty Jiang
Thomas Lapiccirella
English 12
13 April 2023

Atticus Finch: A Champion of Justice and Fairness in To Kill a Mockingbird

“A Lawyer is either a social engineer or .. . a parasite on society...”,said Charles Hamilton Houston. Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Atticus Finch is just such a person who uses his own power to change social bias. In a nutshell, Atticus has strong commitment to fair and just treatment, and fight for the equitable rights of black individuals in the face of widespread unfairness and discrimination, who plays a crucial role that individual protests against stereotypes play in creating a civil society that respects and values marginalized communities, thereby promoting a culture of dignity and respect …show more content…

“In the ongoing debate over the appropriate standards for legal professionalism, critical attention has tended to focus on the age-old dialogue between those who defend the traditional position of lawyers as morally neutral agents of their clients and those who advocate a more activist role” (Joseph 5). Atticus is an example of the latter. Atticus says, “I do my best to love everybody… I’m hard put, sometimes—baby, it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn’t hurt you” (Lee 118). Atticus believes that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race or social …show more content…

Through the character of Atticus Finch, the author demonstrates the importance of standing up against stereotypes and societal prejudices to create a more just and equitable community. Despite the challenges and dangers he faces, Atticus remains committed to treating all people, regardless of their race with respect and dignity. Atticus sets a powerful example of how individuals can use their voice and actions to promote positive change, eventually making society a better place for all. This novel serves as a reminder for us all to reflect on our own beliefs and actions, and to strive towards creating a more inclusive world where everyone is treated with fairness and

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