
How Is Martin Luther King Jr Honorable

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A Man Who Made America More Honorable There are many individuals who have shaped and impacted the history of America. Many decades of hardships have been endured to make America the way it is today. An individual who is recognized and still remembered today for helping shape America into a more honorable country is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was raised in Georgia in a pastor’s home with his father and his grandfather both being pastors. Being a pastor has always been a part of Dr. Martin Luther King’s life and he later became a pastor himself. Today, Martin Luther King Jr. is still known for his brave and powerful leadership to end the unequal rights of African Americans in the mid 1900’s. He organized sit-ins, protests, and marches to …show more content…

While he did organize scare tactics on cities in Southern United States, he never used violence to get the point across. Martin Luther King was known as a pacifists and believed using violence would get him nowhere. Martin Luther King Jr. did not use violence but he was considered and strong pastor and leader by many people. He was such a strong leader that his words were the strength in his protests that he did not need to use violence. Martin Luther King was considered a persuasive pastor, vigorous leader and a pacifist by multiple primary and secondary sources. Martin Luther King Jr. decided to follow in his father’s footsteps by becoming a pastor. He attended Morehouse College and then the University of Boston to earn his doctoral degree in Theological Seminary (“Martin Luther King Jr. Biography”). After graduating he married and then became a family man with a total of four children. Martin Luther King Jr. became the pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church located in Montgomery, Alabama. This was his first church to call home as a pastor (“Martin Luther King Jr. - Biography”). The people of the church looked up to him for strength and guidance both spiritually and emotionally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. not only gave sermons about …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. will be forever remembered as a hero of American history for all. Whether sitting in a classroom or watching a television show or simply sitting and listening to a pastor preach in a church, the words of King are still alive today. Many positive changes have been made for African Americans, minorities, and the poor people of America due to the work and dedication of King. While King was alive he may not have seen a huge difference in the society of America, but overtime people have seen just how big of an impact he left us. In his famous speech “I Have A Dream” Kings chants about how he has a dream that everyone in America will be treated as equals. He also pleads the importance of everyone being treated as equals because “…if America is to be a great nation, this must become true” (I Have A Dream). While the American society still may not be perfect or will ever be, King has helped shaped the American society the way it is today. His ideas are still in action working towards a better life and society for the American people. King has made an impact on the people he had contact with and even the people living today. A secondary source written by Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons even explains how his ideas were before his time and is the future of America. She had so much respect for King just like all the people who were his followers and being a respected leader is an accomplishment all in itself. King lead a successful church and a successful career.

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