
Integrity In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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The Crucible by Arthur Miller, is a play based on the events that occurred during The Salem Witch trials. It follows the townspeople as they accuse more and more women and men as witches. Throughout the Crucible many themes exploit themselves, and many of these themes influence the story itself. Integrity influences the reader's thoughts on different characters, corruption of justice helps the climax grow, and the mass hysteria helps to create the initial problem of the play. Throughout the play, integrity influenced the reader’s judgment and admiration of the different characters. In the beginning, Abigail began her lying scheme. She convinced all the girls pretending to act bewitched to continue lying to the town. This lie completely altered how the reader viewed Abigail and the girls because of their lies and lack of integrity. Towards the end of the story, Mary Warren shows some integrity by, although through some influence, she owned up to the court and confessed that the girls were guilty. Before the point you may have felt sorry for Mary, but you did not support fully because of her lie. After her admission, the reader views her as brave and gives her character more respect. While Mary Warren acknowledges her guilt to the court she pronounces, “I cannot lie no more. I am with God, I am with God.” (Miller 101). …show more content…

The, so called, bewitched girls, had the court in the palm of their hands. This allowed the girls to convict anyone they want instead of the court making convictions based on evidence and truth. Also, the character Judge Danforth could not fully accept the idea that the girls were lying because he had already convicted so many people. He claimed that if it was all a scam, his image would go to ruin and he could not have that. “This is the highest court of the supreme government of this province, do you know it?” Judge Danforth spoke with power

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