
Julius Caesar Thesis

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“If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it”- Julius Caesar, the man who is known as one of the most fascinating political figures of all time. The one who through his military genius, expanded the Roman Republic to include parts of what are now Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium. Although the hero had many followers and admirers, he was ultimately stabbed to death by his own fellow politicians. Caesar was born in July, 100 B.C.E to Gaius Caesar and Aurelia. The family claimed a noble history but hadn’t produced many influential people till then. Caesar’s father had achieved an average position in politics due to which the family was allowed certain traditional entitlements and offices. Caesar …show more content…

In 62 BC, he was elected praetor in Farther Spain. In 61 to 60 BC he served as governor of the Roman province of Spain. Then, in 59 BC, Caesar was elected as a consul, the most significant political post, through his alliance with Pompey. As soon as he became consul, Caesar waged a successful campaign against some tribes in Lusitania. He was awarded the right of triumph for his victory despite the fact that many of his enemies accused him of provoking the war. Till then, Caesar had achieved fair amount of political success but he still wasn’t much popular among his peers. In order to fulfill his dream of developing Rome, Caesar needed more political success through alliances. He found the best two alliances that would take him further to the path of success. He first aligned with the Roman General Pompey then he allied with a powerful Roman politician Crassus. Further, Caesar’s alliance with Pompey was strengthened with the marriage of Caesar’s only daughter Julia with Pompey. This alliance proved significant for Caesar as he received wealth and military might from Pompey and important political contacts through …show more content…

The Romans didn’t have much command over the province, but they did have some connections to the further side of the border. Caesar speedily took benefit of these connections to extend the boundaries of Rome beyond the borders of Gaul. Caesar decided to invade Britain, whose tribes seemed to have close relations with Gaul. These expeditions were well-celebrated by the Romans as for the first time Rome had expanded so far. However, Vercingetorix, a noble tribesman of Gaul, with his men, surprisingly rose against Caesar, threatening his power in Gaul. In the beginning, Caesar lost a few battle against Vercingetorix but then defeated him ultimately. Vercingetorix with his men had taken refuge in a fortress in Alesia. Caesar trapped his rivals by building his own fortification walls around the fortress. After various attempts to win the battle, Vercingetorix had finally

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