
Kenya Dbq Analysis

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Colonialism, it’s how population spread across the world and how we’re here today. Most people think that the Europeans colonizing across the world had a positive effect; however, there are some people that the Europeans colonizing across the world had a negative effect. Colonialism had both a positive and negative affect on Kenyan people. During the time, the British imposed a harder religion that they had brought along, how people were being treated, and agricultural services. European colonialism had a negative effect on the Kenyan people through imposing a harder religion that they had brought along. While the British were colonizing Kenya, they brought along their religion, which was Protestant and Roman Catholic. While some of the Kenyan people believed in witchcraft and witch doctors seek those out, who are often time killed (Doc. 6). Some of the Kenyan tribes believed “Murder is atoned for by a fine. Marriage is regarded as a sale, and strict fidelity is neither accepted nor practiced” (Doc. 6). The …show more content…

This talked about how the Kenyans were forced to go to Protestant or Roman Catholic, ;leaving behind their own culture (Doc 6 and 7). A positive effect of European colonialism through Kenya was everyone being treated equally. This was explaining how the British and the Kenyan people were able to work and be around each other in peace and treat each other equally (Doc 10). A negative and positive effect of European colonialism through Kennya was the agricultural services. This was explaining how the amount of money for people working increased, by the Europeans got more money than the Asians and the Africans (Doc 12). So, how did colonialism affect Kenya? The British imposing a harder religion that they had brought along, how people were being treated, and agricultural services are all positive and negative effects of European colonialism throughout

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