
Kingdom Keepers Two By Ridley Pearson Literary Techniques

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The common thought that people have about Disney is happiness and merriment. Ridley Pearson provides an opposing view in the book “Kingdom Keepers II” by showing the darkest parts of what we thought we all knew. Pearson allows this to occur by taking the reader through the lives of kids who work as DHIs(Disney Host Interactions) that become holographic people that fight the villains. Pearson not only does this to show his opinion, but he uses it to intrigue the reader enough to want to keep reading. This fictional fantasy about Disney and Disney parks are mysterious and allows an appeal to readers. There is a recurring theme of Mystery, created by Pearson, by using literary devices. The literary devices of Person vs. Self, Person vs. Nature, …show more content…

Person vs. Nature is involved in Kingdom Keepers in order to create a theme of mystery. Rain is a recurring natural object that happens in the park through out the book. Rain is most significant in the beginning of the book when everything is getting progressively worse. “But things go very wrong when a sudden lightening storm disrupts the celebration”(Hyperion). This creates commotion that makes people not know what 's happening. Animals create a theme of mystery in the book of Kingdom Keepers. Animals create this theme because they always stop the DHIs from getting to Maleficent. “But the monkeys grew daring, tightening the circle around Finn”(Ridley). Monkeys, particularly in this situation, slows down Finn from going to save Jez from being trapped. Finally, the DHIs always find themselves lost and not knowing where they have to go. The kids can not find out where to go because the jungle is so big and crowded. “He left the path and entered the jungle, keeping close to the enclosure 's netted wall”(Ridley). This makes the reader wonder what is in the middle of the jungle and why he has to stay on the netted wall. The chaos expressed by nature makes people have troubles with each other resulting in the topic of Person …show more content…

Person vs. Person occurs when there is conflict between two or more people, resulting in the movement of the plot. A given example is the trouble of the DHIs with Maleficent. Maleficent is always on edge and outrageous which results in damage to the environment and all of the people involved. “The Overtakers want to take over the Disney Theme Parks and turn them into their own evil kingdom”(George). The kids have to defeat Maleficent and the Overtakers(villains) to save Disney. Although Wayne helps out the kids through out the whole book, he only leaves small clues hinting toward the problem. Therefor, the DHIs don 't have all the information that they need in order to save the park. “The mystery deepens as Finn is contacted by Wayne, an old man he hasn 't heard from from in months”(Hyperion). Wayne, mysterious as normal, only tells clues when it is obvious that he know everything to solve the problem. Ever since the first book, there has always been a conflict between Jez and Maleficent. Maleficent always finds the right time to take over Jez 's body and soul. “Jez has been captured by the Overtakers and is being held hostage”(George). This makes the DHI 's have to go out of their way to find her along with trying to stop the Overtakers. Person vs. Person is often created by Person

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