Exemplification Essay: The Path To Freedom

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The music of Alexia’s lyre filled the elegant villa. Playing one of her favourite tunes always made her happy. In truth, it was one of the very few things she enjoyed, that she was allowed to do. She hated the embroidery, stitching, weaving, painting and all the other womanly occupations, with which everyone expected her to fill her time. She was talented enough, and all her friends admired her abilities. They always praised and highly commended her work, but it held no meaning for her. Her heart yearned to study history, philosophy and politics. She had dreams of wielding a sword in defense of Athens. It angered her that her brother, Brygos, could follow in their father's footsteps and become a member of the elite Athenian Army. It seemed …show more content…

Unfortunately, I am not married to them.” The bitterness was evident in the beaten young woman's voice. “No, you are married to Lord ‘I Have No Self Esteem, So I Beat Up Women’ Gordias. He is nothing but a coward. When Father hears...” Alexia’s sentence was cut off by her sister. “You can't tell Father, Alexia! You can't tell anyone. Please! Promise me that you won't utter a word of this to anyone,” Chloris pleaded with her sister. How could her sweet, innocent little sister understand? This was a matter between a husband and his wife. Nobody would interfere. Besides, she couldn't bear the shame of anyone in her elite circle finding out. She could never stand her friends going around gossiping about her. They would probably say that he beat her, because she wasn't a dutiful wife. Alexia’s puzzlement quickly turned into rage. “What! Why in Hades not?” This was too much for Alexia to bear. Her sister needed help. Gordias couldn’t be allowed to get away with it. She was angry with her sister for not wanting to fight back. She couldn't understand how any woman could resign herself to a life with a man like

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