
Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Loneliness Essay

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In John Steinbeck‘s novella Of Mice and Men set in the Salinas Valley during the Great Depression, George Milton took responsibility over his friend, Lennie Small, as they hoped to obtain ownership of their own ranch. The theme of isolation was prevalent throughout the story and portrayed by Curley’s Wife, Crooks, and Candy. Steinbeck revealed through these characters that isolation creates a longing for companionship for comfort in times of struggle and solitude. Curley’s Wife displayed feelings of seclusion throughout the story which supported the theme of isolation. Married to Curley, the possessive and hot tempered ranch worker, Curley’s Wife was often left to remain in the house in solitude with no one to keep her company. She was the …show more content…

Crooks was a handicapped African-American that resided on the ranch. Due to his skin color, Crooks was alienated from the rest of the ranch workers and lived alone. Despite the racial segregation, Crooks put on a false persona to appear unbothered with his current situation. At first, Crooks was hostile towards anyone that interacted with him to feign contentment with his loneliness. One day, when Lennie went to see his pup and ran into Crooks, he was told, “You got no right to come in my room. This here’s my room. Nobody got any right here but me.”(Steinbeck 68). Crooks presented himself as someone who wished to remain alone and without others invading his space. He felt that if he was excluded from the bunkhouse because he’s black, then Lennie shouldn’t be allowed in his room. Lennie, confused with Crooks’s adamant banishments, told him he’s done nothing for him to be kicked out. Crooks’s response was, “...I ain’t wanted in the bunk house… because I’m black… and you ain’t wanted in my room.”(68). With the constant racial discrimination Crooks faced, he didn’t consider putting aside his despair to try and find someone to befriend to quell his loneliness. Eventually, Crooks warmed up to the idea of developing some form of companionship when he suggested working on George and Lennie‘s dream ranch: “If you... guys would want to hand to work for nothing... I’d come an’ lend a hand.”(76). The …show more content…

Candy was an old swamper on the ranch who lost his head in an accident prior to meeting George and Lennie. His only companion was his old dog that he had had “since he was a pup.”(Steinbeck 44). Candy’s dog was in an awful condition who suffered from rheumatism, lack of teeth, and a strong odor. The dog’s status prompted Carlson, a ranch worker, to propose the dog be killed. Carlson told Candy that “He ain’t no good to you... Why’n’t you shoot him…?”(44). Carlson didn’t take into consideration that Curley’s dog was the only entity that brought him solace on the lonesome ranch. Candy, at first, dismissed Carlson’s suggestions and responded, “No, I couldn’t do that. I had ‘im too long… I’m so used to him… I had him from a pup.”(45). Candy’s reaction to showed his attachment to his pet and the uncomfortableness he displayed with the thought of losing him resulting in his solitude. Despite his stubbornness towards killing dog, Candy was finally convinced by George and Slim who promised him a new puppy. Carlson proceeded with killing Candy’s dog which lead to Candy’s feelings of guilt and remorse due to his belief that he should’ve been responsible of his dog’s fate. In the aftermath, Candy attempted to incorporate himself into Lennie and George’s dream. Candy tried to persuade George into letting him work on their dream ranch. He told George,”Maybe if I give you guys my money,

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