
Paleia In Sophocles The Republic Of Plato

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The Republic of Plato examines an imaginary tale, which uses real characters to shed light upon Socrates’ argument through the expression of intricate conversations concerning philosophy, politics, and justice. When discussing philosophy and politics Socrates mentions politeia, or the order of social and political justice. The two coexist on a fine line and are furthermore discussed when the notion of justice is brought up. Eventually it is determined that a completely just city is almost impossible to establish, yet justice as it appears in current society involves politeia. The story is narrated through Socrates’ perspective by his student, Plato, giving the appearance of a more direct and trustworthy perspective regarding the aforementioned …show more content…

Cephalus is an old, established man who has spent his fair share of time on this earth, while although Socrates isn’t young, he is younger than Cephalus by some years. While some individuals reminisce daily about the activities they can no longer partake in such as sexual intercourse, they grow depressed and angry. However, the poet Sophocles uses old age to express how his “desires cease to strain and finally relax” with old age, as “it is possible to be rid of very many mad masters,” (Book I, 329c-d). While Sophocles ideology expresses that humans are willing to change the manner in which they look at the world, they generally do so in the manner that is best for them. When discussing justice, Socrates goes over the “ideal city” and ideal citizen. This is a city in which justice rules and every citizen contributes to society evenly, even regarding family, wives, money and so forth. In a more concise description, the city expresses the views of extreme communism, and while it seems this program could be the key to happiness, no one would ever endure the struggles to get there. Society would not let philosophers rule and their leaders step down out of power, society would not want their possessions and loved one to be shared with others. This ideal is drawn out from Book I, all the way to Book X; however, as previously expressed above and further expressed in The Republic of Plato, the ideology comes back to bite

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