
Personal Narrative: The Stages Of Breast Cancer

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In the spring of 2013, my mother informed my family and I that she had been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I vividly remember the tone in my mother’s voice, with such clarity and dismay. She continued to discuss how her doctors had found a lump on her breast; but all that my mind could register was the word “cancer.” Luckily for me, I have never truly experienced a death or serious illness in my family, but this was the first sense of enormity that I have ever encountered. The image of the tears swelled in my mother's eyes stays clear still to this day, captivating the moment that had changed my life. Quickly, the reality of the situation began to reach a higher significance. Pamphlets began to pile on my kitchen counter, reading titles such as; “Understand your Cancer,” or “The Stages to Breast Cancer.” Surgeries were being scheduled with hopes to improve my mother's health, but all that it was doing was disconnecting her from our family. She was not …show more content…

I found myself taking on more responsibilities, whether it be tidying up the house, or taking care of my younger brother. Only being seven years old, it is harder for him to fully grasp the situation that is going on with our mom. I was able to guide him through his understanding, and simply took care of him while my parents were occupied with doctor appointments. My accommodation to the illness was more evident when I sacrificed my sixteenth birthday to aid to my mother. It was planned for my mother and I to go out of state on my birthday, but I knew I needed to be home by my mother's side due to her exhaustion. More surgeries were scheduled, and more of my attention was needed at home. My independence was quickly expanding, more distinct than it had ever been. My whole life, I was very reliant on my mother. However, because of her fatigue the cancer was provoking, being more reliant on myself was a new

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