
Psychology And Social Constructionism In The Stanford Prison Experiment

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The human mind is a very complex organ which contains many psychological components that are infinite to comprehend. Social constructionism is a field that can be broken down into two different paths, socials and psychological behavior. The two films the Stanford Prison Experiment and The Hunting Ground are good examples of both of these processes.
The topics of these films are very relevant to the field of psychology due to their contribution to our everyday psychological brain functions. The film, The Stanford Prison Experiment, is an excellent modern-day example of social constructionism. The film expertly portrays the sheer intensity of the psychological effects that a prison would have on the minds of people. As well as how, over an extended time period, the volunteers would begin …show more content…

He started to behave in a way that was cruel and far harsher than the rest of the guards and at the end of the experiment claimed it was because he was conducting his own experiment to see how far they would let him go until they retaliated. The way he behaved portrayed that, even though he might not have come into the experiment with the intention to release that behavior from within, but his actions became a roll that he took too far.
A sociocultural component shown in the film were the ways that the volunteer guards interpreted the stigmas around being a prison guard. That they should be cold, strict, and unnervingly verbally abusive. Time upon time in the film, the volunteer guards were verbally abusive of their power with the prisoners. They often gave them punishments such as, physical exercise, sleep deprivation, as well as revoked their privileges, smoking, parole and comfort items like bedding. In one case they even as far as refusing to provide glasses to one of the

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