Ray Bradbury Criticize Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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When reading a book do you understand every form and expressed judgment that the author tries to make you understand?Most times the author are foreshadowing the future or are speaking on currents situations. RayBradBury novel Fahrenheit the characters are living in a in a one party society where books are forbidden. Montag is one of the main characters who’s a fireman his job is to burn books at the temperature of 451 degrees fahrenheit, throughout the novel Montag rethinks his job once he meets a loving girl. Although,Bradbury criticize things in his society technology and being well educated or having less knowledge is important. Bradbury criticizes technology through the character of Mildred and others.Mildred his wife who’s sits around all day watching tv or listening to her earbuds(seashells).”And in her ears the little seashells,the radios tamped tight, and electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music an talking coming …show more content…

In the novel Fahrenheit 451 the reason of the seashells are use to relay important information.Mildred stays tuned in so much that she’s a perfect citizen of her society because everyone is usually tuned into everything else that they aren’t educated enough because technology is a distraction from real life situations.Another, example of technology is “How long you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall-Tv put in? It’s only two thousand

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