
Rhetorical Analysis Of Violent Media Is Good For Kids By Gerard Jones

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Since the conception of violent media in the 90’s parents have been particularly wary of kids being exposed. Gerard Jones’ “Violent Media Is Good For Kids” offers a rebuttal to the stigma. He starts out the article with an anecdote of his life and how comic books allowed him to embrace his fears and lead him away from bad crowds, and ultimately landed him a career as a comic writer. He argues the idea of violent video games allowing kids to embrace their fears by making them face them and not to run away from them. This analysis will deconstruct the article and identify the thesis, the rhetorical situation and the appeals that the writer uses. To analyze this piece we should look at the title of the piece: “Violent media is good for kids”. This headline catches the eye because it gives an unexpected answer to something people have heard for many decades now. Most articles that talk about violent media are usually against them and have a way to persuade the audience in why they shouldn’t expose their kids to video games like Call of Duty or Halo. However in this article, just by looking at the title the …show more content…

While Jones uses a lot of anecdotes and gives the audience good points towards his thesis, His appeals are riding on the audience’s emotions and does not give enough reason to the effects of violent media on the psychology of the kids consuming it. He definitely talks to a psychologist about it, but that is one person saying that it is good compared to the many who are saying it is bad. It is just not enough to sway the audience into letting them let their kids consume violent media. Violent Media is still an important topic to this very day, especially with the amount school shooting that have occurred since the Columbine Shooting. This topic will keep coming up when dealing with these types of problems and is something everyone should keep in their minds when talking about

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