Saul Bellow's Existential Elements In Literature

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This paper reflects Saul Bellow's thoughts in the Modern World. The troubles that exist in Modern period are discussed by many novelists. Many authors were influenced due to the trends that prevailed during that period and used Existentialism as the subject for their novels. This paper shows Henderson's dissatisfied life in Modern America and his transformation in Africa due to the hunting of his existence. This paper proves Bellow's existential element is based on love and brotherhood which is reflected in the character Henderson. Keywords : Existentialism, Kierkegaard, Arnewi, alienation. During mid 1940, a great French Catholic philosopher Gabriel Marcel introduced the term “Existentialism”. Some philosophers like Friedrich …show more content…

The writers in this period have used existential element in their novels. Some American writers, including Saul Bellow used their characters in search of existentialism. Most of Bellow’s protagonists are isolated and frustrated. They fear, in facing death as they …show more content…

They create an artificial world in order to escape death. Donald W. Marcos comments on this situation as follows: "The felt sense of many American intellectuals of the post-war period that communal life and belief were chaotic and irrational and that the valid source of value lay in individual only experience echoed both American naturalism of the 1890s and contemporary French existentialism." (Marcos, 1995: 87) Bellow’s fifth novel Henderson the Rain King is taken to prove the title. This novel is a good example to find Existentialism. Eugene Henderson is the admirer of the novel who loses his individuality in modern America. This occurs due to his avoidance in taking responsibility for his own spirit. In order to design his false identity, he loses his real identity in life. A close observation is brought into the life of Henderson. At the beginning of the novel, Henderson is married and he has five children. He is financially secured by three million dollars, which is given by his father. He leads his life by breeding pigs. Even though he has a family and everything, he is dissatisfied with his life. Karl makes a commentary on American Picaro that correctly sets up in describing the

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