
Similarities Between The Crucible And Mccarthyism

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The Crucible and McCarthyism Parallels The Crucible and McCarthyism have many parallels. The Salem witch trials, in which The Crucible was written, and McCarthyism were in 2 different time frames. The Witch trials were in May from 1692-1693. McCarthyism was in the late 1940s’. The HUAC trials and the Salem witch trials have the same sentiments. Both Mccarthyism and The Crucible have defendants that were guilty until proven innocent. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible and was involved in the trials of McCarthyism. The men in the HUAC trials tried many actors to see if they were involved in an established communist group. This was called the ‘red scare’. This was similar to the trials in the 1600s’ Called the Salem Witch trials. They …show more content…

The trials of McCarthyism were held to judge if you were a part of a group of communism. In The Crucible, the girls were urged to confess that they were conjuring spirits. In the McCarthyism trials, they were urged to name other actors/actresses' names if they were involved. In document A, Kazan said, “I have come to the conclusion that I did wrong to withhold these names.” They wanted to exploit the followers and punish them. After Kazan’s first confession, he had been shunned in the industry that he worked in. His decision to offer another confession shows how even being associated with the trials can cause a form of blackmail. After he was blackmailed he realized it no longer mattered if he had not mentioned anyone specifically. This drew Kazan to make another confession. After he made this second confession he was further shunned and shamed by bystanders and colleagues in the work …show more content…

The Crucible mentions how the people's confessions must be posted on the church doors. Danforth says “Proctor, The village must have proof.”(Miller, 142) Document D quotes Danforth explaining the importance of exposing the people that confessed. Danforth says “Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; granted? Therefore we must rely upon her victims.”(Miller, 99) The publicity of the accused causes public shame. It didn’t matter if you were not found guilty, after the people knew you were associated with witchcraft or being a communist you were shamed. In document E Mr. Seeger “I am not going to answer any questions as to my association, my philosophical or religious beliefs or my political beliefs, or how I voted in any election, or any of these private affairs.” People refused to have their private information to prove that they were guilty. Since the people who were found guilty of being a communist or a witch were killed or blacklisted, the people that were on trial wanted nothing more than to plead their

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