
Stereotypes In The Prison Industrial Complex

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Wouldn’t you say that society today is cruel towards everyone, especially young black males? The world points fingers at them and labels them as “killers,” “robbers,” or even “deadbeats.” Well, not all are in those categories, some are even framed and placed into those without people knowing the whole story, and most don’t even try and take the time to hear the story of what led up to them being placed into those categories. The Prison Industrial Complex also known as PIC doesn’t help the situation either. Reasoning is because they’ll try and frame a black male for something just because he’s in the vicinity of whatever is going on, if there’s an robbery they’re investigating and they see a black male in a nice vehicle for example a Dodge …show more content…

Many of them are young, relentless, and possibly want attention. Many of these males will wind up with the wrong crowd making stupid, terrible decisions, for example, drug dealing. The quote that follows will back up the previous statement, “He was a veteran of the drug game at 18” (Moore 57). In this part of the story Tony and the other Wes were hanging out and Tony, the other Wes’s brother grew up quickly hanging with the wrong crowd and got in the ‘street business’ of drugs. The altercations leading up to the quote were that Tony was trying to get Wes to go down the same path he did and he wasn’t going for it. Then earlier in the book the quote stated, “And the drug game was everywhere, with a gun handle protruding from the top of every tenth teenagers waist line” (Moore 27). Talks about the two things that drags most young and older black males down. Lastly, this quote from the books shows a hard decision made by a parent, “Two incidents were decisive in Mary’s decision to move. First, Tony got shot in the chest during a botched drug deal” (Moore 57). This quote shows the tough decision of a mother moving her children out of an environment that they’ve known practically their whole lives because the other got caught up in something …show more content…

This can be anywhere from a couple of years to the rest of their lives and then they miss everything. “A subway car full of blacks and Latinos would continue the bumpy ride back up to Harlem and the Bronx” (Moore 46), this quote points out the main races that you see getting arrested are in one conjusted spot trying to travel from one to another but will always get caught and found for something just because of the place and predicament they’re

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