
The Importance Of Good Intentions In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”- Samuel Johnson. This quote symbolizes that good intentions can have horrible consequences. There is an equal and opposite reaction to every decision made in Romeo and Juliet. The thesis statement that will be used is that no matter if the decision is good their is always a disastrous outcome that results. Life is never what it seems actions made by good people have a way of turning awful. Mercutio decides to fight tybalt because Romeo would not fight back against him. Romeo is being a coward in the eyes of Mercutio so he decides to fight Tybalt on his own.“O calm, dishonorable, vile submission Alla stoccata carries it away. Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?” (Shakespeare 1091). Mercutio's decision to fight Tybalt resulted in Mercutio's death proving the thesis that good …show more content…

“Romeo is banned from Verona, which leads to him to seek out some pretty bad advice and guidance from Friar Laurence.” (Shmoop.com). The news Romeo receives is that Juliet is dead and in the Capulet's tomb Romeo does not know abou the fact he is supposed to be at Juliet's side when she wakes. Romeo is not aware of Juliet and Friar Lawrence's plan with the potion so in turn he takes his own life thinking Juliet is really dead. When Juliet wakes she finds Romeo dead next to her, she takes Romeo's dagger and stabbed it into her chest killing herself. She had taken to the potion to be reunited with Romeo and that hope is all ripped away the second she find Romeo dead next to her. Romeo and Juliet shows that decisions made with good intentions often have grave consequences. Romeo and Juliet shows that when people tried to help Romeo and Juliet's with their relationship to make it successful it ultimately turned out horribly. Like Newton’s laws, every action has an equal and opposite reaction the reaction seems to be rather on the negative spectrum of things with this particular

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