
Hrm 531 Week 2 Case Study

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Week five GROUP ONE WIKI A Mediator is a person who assists the parties to negotiate a settlement. Mediator is a person who engages in mediation.Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution and a way of solving disputes between two or more parties with concrete effects.He/she acts as a neutral third party and facilitates rather than directs the process and helps others reach agreement. A mediator is a trusted,neutral person who facilitates a process designed to empower parties to recognize find their own satisfactory solutions to interactable conflicts.Also they help people resolve their disputes and improve their relationships for future.For example in a library, the librarian can act as a consultant between the library management …show more content…

Information Literacy also is the ability to identify what information is needed, understand how the information is organized, identify the best sources of information for a given need, locate those sources, evaluate the sources critically, and share that information. It is the knowledge of commonly used research techniques. when,how and to whom should the information literacy be offered to? a)when should information literacy be offered? -information literacy should be offered when the need to equip the community at large with critical skills necessary to become lifelong learners is identified and it should also be an ongoing process due to information …show more content…

Before constructing a library building,the available market should be considered.one should know the kind of market you are going to serve after you establish your library.knowing the kind of market and how big it is will help one to know the kind of materials one will offer,the range of information materials and what kind of library to put up.Example;if the market is made up of many youth and youngsters,one would consider building a library that is academic.knowing your market will also help you segment it. Finance is another factor.It is important for the people wishing to build a library to know their sources of funds.Finance should be stable and should allow the completion of the library building project.There should be continuous supply of funds once the project begins Before constructing an information center one has to consider the following:Funds available so as to ensure efficient planning of the whole building project.This is to ensure effective planning in that the budget allocation is realistic and can catter for the whole

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