
The Influence Of Family In The Happiest Refugee By Anh Do

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The relationships we have change and influence us throughout the different journeys we take. The significance of the relationships we have during journeys and the ones we make within the journey molds us into the individuals we become, shaped by the choices we make and the challenges we overcome. Anh Do’s book “The Happiest Refugee” explores the influence of family in the choices we make and the person we become. Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall” discusses the concept of boundaries and the conflict between preserving them versus tearing them down.

Our family's influence has a profound impact on the choices we make and the person we choose to become as we move through life. Anh Do’s “The Happiest Refugee” follows Anh’s journey throughout …show more content…

The use of hyperbole in “I couldn’t believe I’d lost. My dad’s ‘You can do anything’ had settled in my little brain to such a degree that I was totally convinced I was going to win.” His dad had put so much confidence in him he was sure he could beat the biggest 5th grader. By going through this experience of believing he could do anything and then losing, it helped him understand that he can’t excel at every endeavor. In the lines "You lose respect for him, for authority in general. Then all the things that he represents, all the principles, start to crumble and you ultimately lose respect for yourself" the {technique} helps show how much he relied on his dad for guidance. It becomes evident that his father's morals played a significant role in shaping his personality. However, after experiencing his father's betrayal, Anh found himself unable to distinguish between right and wrong in his father's teachings. As a result, he faced a crisis of identity that threatened to erode his sense of self-respect. When Anh’s father left he felt a need to protect his family and do …show more content…

In the poem the speaker believes that a wall is unnecessary saying it can ruin relationships while the neighbor believes it will improve their relationship. The repetition of the line “Good fences make good neighbors.” highlights the neighbors clear disinterest in furthering their relationship. The fence and wall are used interchangeably because the fence doesn't just represent the divide in the land but the wall in their relationship stopping them from furthering their journey together. Using symbolism in the lines “And on a day we met to walk the line, And set the wall between us once again" the poet conveys the recurring theme of separation and division between the two neighbors, as they decide to establish a physical barrier to keep emotional distance. The metaphor used in “He moves in darkness as it seems to me, Not of woods only and the shade of trees” Frost uses "darkness" as a symbol of the neighbor's ignorance and error, while simultaneously portraying the speaker as enlightened and correct. The way the poem is structured creates a contrast between the speaker, who is portrayed in a positive light, and the neighbor, who is depicted in a negative manner. This contrast allows the reader to relate more closely to the speaker and empathize with their perspective. As a result of their differing views on the necessity of a wall, the speaker and neighbor view each other and

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