Theme Of Ignorance In Fahrenheit 451

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Fahrenheit 451 by Ray bradbury is a book based in a futuristic world where the world is far more advanced in there life almost in every aspect in life but one. That one is books!! Books are banned in the world like some kind of drug where they have a special enforcement agency to find and burn books. The irony in the book is that the agency that burns books is the firefighters, so they start fires don't put them out. One of the major themes in the book is knowledge vs ignorance, I know this because throughout the book mankind starts a war with knowledge when they ban books.
The first reason for me saying knowledge vs ignorance is the main theme is how everyone in the book blind to the stuff around them. They have two hundred-foot-long billboards because everyone's moving to fast to see what's going on around them. Most people in the story don’t know anything about their history like Guy Montag the main character whose job is a firefighter didn’t even know that firefighters use to put out fires not start them. When Clarisse McClellan asked Guy if fireman used to stop fires he repild with no but he didn’t know himself. In the end I feel like the lack of them reading book hurt their knowledge of history which shows there ignorance. …show more content…

Which is not a didn’t seem very intelligent to just ban all books because of how some felt. In the story all people do is watch hours abound hours of tv all day. They don’t seem to learn anything from the past generations or learn things from books. Next they just believe whatever they see or hear on tv. No matter what it is or how dumb it may seem or sound. In all the way Guy’s wife and her friend react to him having a book is crazy because that treated him as if he was doing drugs in front of them which shows the knowledge vs

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