
To What Extent Was President Roosevelt Justified Of Japanese Internment

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During Congressional committee hearings, The Department of Justice representatives raised objections to the proposal. The West Coast was first divided into military zones, and then on February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 shortly after the Pearl Harbor Bombing. President Roosevelt was not justified in his decision because many Japanese Americans had volunteered to serve in the armed forces and many lost their businesses and homes. Due to many Japanese Americans volunteering to serve in the armed forces, President Roosevelt's decision was not justified. Japanese Americans viewed military service as an straight path to upward mobility. One of the most trouble was the denial of naturalization rights. This eliminated one of the standard paths by which immigrants had been able to protect their rights. Some Japanese immigrants volunteered for military service as an avenue to gaining citizenship. Making up over one-third of the population in Hawaii, Japanese Americans were the first to enlist. One of the main reasons that the internment of the Japanese was not justifiable was because it violated their human rights on a basic level. …show more content…

Many families sold their homes, their stores, and most of their belongings. They could not be certain their homes and assets would still be there when they returned home. Because of the rush to sell everything, properties were often sold at a fraction of their whole value. Japanese Americans were forced to move into areas that had very little to support them. The poorly constructed camps were surrounded by barbed wire and were heavily guarded by troops who had guns pointed at the their heads. Not only did the suffer physically, but they suffered mentally and psychologically as well. Shock and fear spread to the Japanese-Americans as a direct result of the internment

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