Shylock In William Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice

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On 16th century the Venice was the most powerful and liberal city state in Europe in tolerance of the Jews. By law, the Jews were forced to live in walled foundry and they locked and guarded by Christians. Antonio who is well known respected, wealthy and a merchant where he owns merchant ships which sailing on the sea where it was his source of income. He is a Christian. Shylock who’s a Jew has an anger to Antonio for he spitting his face at the contrary of Jews and he also is a well-known moneylender and has a young daughter named Jessica who fell in love to Lorenzo, one of Antonio and Bassanio’s friend. Jessica whose Shylock 's daughter and also a Jew, she was run away with the man he loves, Lorenzo and also took all of Shylock’s money …show more content…

Antonio give him the money he lends or twice as it but Shylock refuses again the money rather he wants his life for his justice. The court was full of Shylocks enemy but Shylocks manly and brave stands by law. Then their lawyer came out, the lawyers disguised by Portia and Nerissa to help their husband in the court. Portia introduced herself as they sent by the lawyer Doctor Bellario who is her cousin from Padua to plead the defendant’s case. And Nerissa disguised as her law clerk. Portia is well determined to win the case and help her husband’s friend. She offers as triple as the money owed him but again Shylock was stubborn and will not listen to her. They tied up Antonio by the order of the unmerciful Shylock for his lawful rights. Portia says to Shylock to be very careful to cutoff exactly one pound of Antonio’s flesh and must not to spill a one drop of his blood. And he fails, all of his lands and goods by the law will be confiscated. He then accepted her offer for the triple debt payment but Portia says no and reminding him that the law is holding him and since he is an alien in Venice and tried to seek the life of the Venetian Citizen, and all of his wealth can be divided into citizens and to the public treasury. The Duke dismissed them by sparing Antonio in court and the Duke divided Shylock’s money to Antonio and to state. But Antonio will not accept the money if Shylock will agree to become a Christian and the money will be given to Jessica and her husband Lorenzo. Shylock was speechless because of his failure and defeat and accepts all their conditions. He then leaves the court room. After winning the case Antonio and his friends was overjoyed that they want to pay his lawyer whatever they can. The young lawyer chooses nothing else but the ring wearing by Bassanio but he didn’t give it to her and he says that it is the ring that his wife gave to him and promises to wear

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