
Was Julius Caesar Honorable

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The True Ruler of Rome The Tragedy of Julius Caesar was most definitely one of Shakespeare's more enduring plays. Throughout the backstabbing, losses, and battles within the play, there was always one incentive. Who in the end would be the true ruler of Rome? Everyone perceived it as Caesar because everyone loved him but underneath that, there lay dishonesty and fear. Brutus saw this in him and knew that something had to be done. Brutus chooses to be honorable in the eyes of the plebeians and makes a decision for the best of Rome. Brutus has proven multiple times that he has control over the people of Rome because of his actions in being trustworthy and the most honorable and this is why Brutus would be an even better ruler than Caesar could …show more content…

He out of all the conspirators has proven that he will do the right thing under any circumstances and fight for the right cause. Before declaring his death, he states, “It is more worthy to leap in ourselves, than tarry till they push us” (5.5.24-25). This is saying that it is more noble to take a leap of faith than hold on. This means that you have to take risks and do the right thing to be honorable. He is talking about taking that leap by killing himself than waiting around to win a war that was unwinnable. This proves that he would be the best fit for the ruler of Rome because he is willing to make sacrifices to save his people and the men that fought beside him. The act of killing himself shows the level of honor and self-pride that Brutus has and proves he would be the best ruler for Rome. One might think this would make him unfit to be a ruler but truly brings out how much of a good fit he would be by showing he would do anything for his …show more content…

In the beginning of the play when we first meet Antony and Caesar, Caser says “Forget not in your speed, Antonius, To touch Calpurnia, for our elders say The barren, touched in this holy chase, Shake off their sterile curse. . . . I shall remember. When Caesar says, “do this,” it is performed” (1.2.8-12). When Caesar says this, it shows how loyal Antony is to Caesar and the audience takes note of this. At the same time, Caesar’s request reveals that he thinks highly of Antony’s abilities and how he also would be fit to rule Rome. But as Brutus has proven he would be the best leader of Rome over Antony because the people trust him as loyal and

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