
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Separation Of Powers

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Separation of powers refers to the idea that the major body of a state should be functioned independently and that no individual of a state should have power separately. Therefore, separation of powers means that splitting up of responsibilities into different divisions to limit any one branch from expurgating the functions of another. The intention of the doctrine is to prevent the application of powers and provide for checks and balances of governing a state. It is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government, executive power, legislative power, and judicial power are been kept separately to prevent abuse of power. The advantages of adopting the doctrine separation of power are; it reduces the risk of power being abused as too much power in one person is dangerous, it helps in mutually reinforcing democracy. It allows different functions to be assigned to those most suited to carry out those functions. There will be no conflicts of interest in exercising role. Earlier in Maldives, it is believed that all the powers of the government were concentrated in the hands of the President. Therefore, Maldives adopted a new constitution in 2008 to separate these powers and make each branch of the government independent. The branches of government are: (a) The Legislature: makes the law (The People’s Majlis –Article 5 and Article 70(a)) (b) The Executive: implements the law (The President and the independent commissions –Article 6- ) (c) The
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