
What Internal And External Forces Impact Kendra's Concerns In This Case?

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APPENDIX C HIM 6018 – E-HEALTHCARE ETHICS – CASE STUDY ACTIVITIES TEMPLATE Name: Bayo Oshunlalu Unit #: 8 Unit Title: A Case That Hits Close to Home Qu. 1. What internal and external forces impact Sue’s concern in this case? Insert your response to Qu. 1. ………………………… Internal forces that impact Sue’s concerns in this case can include the following, (1)The need to fulfil her work obligation as the facility risk manager; (2) the relationship between Sue and Kendra; (3) Kendra sharing information snooped from patient’s record with her mother, and using that information in persuading against her scheduled surgery. External force in the case pertaining to Sue can include the following (1) the witness of breach of patient confidentiality by Sue’s coworker and friend; and (2) the impending legal process pertaining to Dr. Brown and the healthcare facility. Qu. 2. What internal and external forces impact Kendra’s concerns in this case? Insert your response to Qu. 2. ………………………… Internal forces that impact Kendra’s concerns in this case can include the following (1) Kendra’s mother scheduled surgery with Dr. Brown; (2) the discoveries of surgical complications of Dr. Brown patients; (3) Kendra’s role as the assistant of the information service department. External …show more content…

AHIMA as compelled HIM professional to promote the obligation to respect the privacy of the confidential information shared among colleagues in the course responding to legal demand, or the media. Additionally, AHIMA urges HIM professionals to put service and welfare of patients above selfish interest and to conduct oneself in a professional manner so as to bring honor peers, and to the professional of Health Information Management (AHIMA,

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