
What Was The Difference Between Civil War And Transcendentalism

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In the period of the mid 1800’s American ideology began taking shape towards its new economy and society. The industrialization growth in the northern states caused a shift in ideology, to what became known as the Transcendentalist movement. This movement was reactionary against Unitarianism, and was based on the importance of inward perception. During this period, the southerner population began to see a difference in ideologies to the northerners, as their economy and society was based around farming. Many issues arose out of these differences, but none bigger than the institution of slavery that existed is the south. Slavery was essential to the south’s economy where it was widely accepted a way of life. In contrast to the southerner’s way …show more content…

The 13th Amendment abolished all slavery and involuntary work across the entire nation. The inclusion of this Amendment also introduced property seizure without compensation was included to the Constitution. In addition to the 13th Amendment, the 14th and 15th amendments were ratified. These came to be known as the Reconstruction Amendments. The 14th Amendment was especially impactful to the resolution of the war due to having it being the first-time citizenship was defined. After the Civil war, ideologies began to shift to what became known as Pragmatism. This was known to be based on the ideas that having absolute truth motivated the conflict of the Civil war. They believed since both sides, Abolitionist and Pro-slavery had motivations that they believed to be the piercing truths, they were unable to compromise and coexist. These pragmatists believed the Civil war was a catastrophe that sobered up American ideologies. A new found focus on Science and the contrast it had with the church came to be a primary topic with Pragmatist. An example of these beliefs was Josiah Royce, who would question the existence of evil and why god would allow evil to exist, an idea that became known as theodicy. An Royce says “For consider. A suffers ill. B sees A suffering. Can B, the onlooker, help his suffering neighbor, A? Can he comfort him in any true way? No, a miserable comforter must B prove, like Job's friends, so long as B, believing in our present hypothesis, clings strictly to the logic of this abstract free-will explanation of the origin of evil” (Royce P. 3) In addition to having new laws resolve conflicts of the Civil War, Pragmatism was also an important

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