
William Butler Yeats Research Paper

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William Butler Yeats was well famous poet and founder of the Irish Literary Revival. Born into a Irish Protestant family in 1865, Dublin. His father John Yeats a lawyer turn painter influenced Yeats with books. He spent most his child hood in county sligo, Ireland studied poetry and was fascinated by the Irish legends and the occult. Yeats could not relate and share faiths with the Catholics and protestants so he turned to cultivate and traditions. William Butler Yeats is one poet who turned to mythology and occultism as an remedy to the fruitfulness of the modern world. Many writers have been influences by occult ideas such as William Blake, Ben Jonson,Sylvia plats and Robert browning. Poetry inspired by his beliefs. Yeats first publication of his first poems was in 1885 appeared in the Dublin university review. The year 1887 Yeats became a professional writer.

In 1889 Yeats met Maud Gonne, an Irish feminist, rebel and poet. A hopeless love for Yeats he proposed to her multiple time resulting in a no. She later married, but in 1909 he proposed to Maud's daughter who refused. Its was normal for people, age was no interference. Weeks later he proposed to Lady George Hyde-Less and was accepted …show more content…

Yeats met there the poet and painter George Russell who was interested in mysticism witch inspired Yeats there his obsessions began with mysticism and spiritualism. Early on his dramatic production out weighed his poetry. He became founder of the Irish National Theater and the Abbey Theater company, him along with his wife lady Gregory in 1904. A poet of literature and drama he was also a co founder of the Rhymers club a group of London poets, founded in 1890 members included Lionel Johnson and Aurthur

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