On April 19, 1995, at 0902 hours, Oklahoma City was rocked to the core when a bomb was set off outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (History.com Staff, 2009). A total of 168 people were killed, another 850 were injured as the result of the bombing. At the time of the bombing, there were no indications of who was responsible for the disaster. While searching the debris investigators discovered a twisted axle from the vehicle where the bomb had been located. The hidden vehicle identification code led investigators to a rental facility in Junction City, Kansas (Goodman, 2017).
There was a huge truck bomb explosion on April 19, 1995 it happened outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma city, Oklahoma. This bombing ended up leaving 168 people dead and and so many more injured. Timothy McVeigh was the one who set off this blast and was put to his death for these crimes in 2001. Timothy had a partner who's name was Terry Nichols and he ended up receiving life in prison. This tragic bombing was the worse attack from terrorist to have taken place on the United States soil, until September 11, 2001.
First Responders James Cross Intro to Homeland Defense Professor Kirchgraber August 30, 2015 Abstract 9/11 is a day that many will never forget. Terrorist high jacked four planes and flew them into predetermined locations. 3000 people died in The World Trade Center alone. Several of these were first responders.
On September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked, two planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York, one hit the Pentagon and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. George W. Bush, America’s 43rd president, delivered his 9/11 address to the nation on September 11th in the Oval Office in Washington D.C. Fellow citizens were under attack by mass murderers and terrorists that intended on frightening our nation into chaos and retreat. In his 9/11 Address, Bush uses pathos, syntax and diction in order to comfort the citizens of America and inform the nation of the actions that the US will take in order to unite and protect the country.
When Zadroga wasn’t on duty, he spent his free time working on finding life after the towers had collapsed. During this time Zadroga inhaled toxic fumes from the collapse of the towers they passed the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation act after his death. Helping out hundreds of people and their sicknesses because of the attack. Fuhrman spent 20 years in the police force. Many didn’t look up to him, for they thought he was a racist.
"What is the value of life?” When you are asked this question most people will start to think about their accomplishments, their families, what they have done, and sometimes people simply do not know how to answer this question. In the article “What is Life Worth?” by Amanda Ripley, it talks more about putting a value of money on a life.
People also went on protest for these victims and their losses this put their lives in danger, but they did this even with the dangerous circumstances even then they walked off from their protest and went to help the families. “The town’s bus drivers, who were on strike that day, walked off their picket lines and went back to work. Bakeries went into overdrive production, hospitals staffed up, and many of the townspeople opened their homes and offered their beds to the ‘plane people. ’”(Gander) In many situations humanity takes many forms and is still their in a time of
Ever since 9/11, Americans have felt vulnerable to another 9/11-type attack. Even today, all that is on the news are terror groups wreaking havoc all over the world. Susan Faludi wrote The Terror Dream that outlined how America came to the impression that manly men are needed to protect our nation/women. After 9/11, America needed heroes, someone to look to for inspiration. As 9/11 played over and over on television for weeks after, America found that the first responders were the heroes they were looking for.
The 911 Conspiracy On the morning of September 9th, 2000, a shocking event, which would be remembered by the world, even 15 years later, occurred. 4 passenger airlines ----specifically, American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93---- were hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorists, and were respectively flown into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon in a suicide attack. Fortunately, Flight 93 which was initially planned to crash into Washington, D.C., was overtaken in a brave move by the passengers, and was crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This is the event which struck the Firefighting and Law Enforcement agencies, with the former receiving 343 casualties, and the latter receiving 72.
Have you ever wondered why New York City is one of the most protected cities in the world? On September 11, 2001 there were four terrible attacks in the United States of America. There were attacks on both of the Twin Towers in New York City, one on the Pentagon in Washington DC, and one was headed for the either the Capitol building or the White house in Washington DC but was taken down in a field in Pennsylvania. The plane that was taken down was crashed into a field because two brave men knocked out the pilots and put the plane down in a safe location without many people. Over 3,000 people were killed in the attacks.
When a tragedy occurs, networks such as FOX, CNN, and NBC immediately air coverage. This coverage alerts graphic designers and in turn, they begin creating logos. The network plasters the logo on everything: hats, t-shirts, and sweaters. The logo, for all intents, becomes the event. During national tragedies, the logo or advertisement can benefit victims by promoting awareness which lends to support.
As many people are saying “the importance of a human life outweighs economic concerns” (Andrews). A person’s life should mean more than any cost. Which is completely true. Some situations are unavoidable and completely accidental. Other situations are not.
In NIST’s Twin Towers Report, NIST ignored dozens of testimonies from reporters and police officers, WTC employees, even 118 testimonies provided by the Fire Department of New York. (globalresearch.ca)[2] During a TV interview with PBS for “American Rebuilds” in 2004, WTC 7 owner and Twin Towers leaseholder Larry Silverstein made the following statement about the destruction of Building 7: “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and
My fellow Americans, one week ago today, we all faced yet again another national tragedy. The World Trade Center was once again attacked by several armed terrorists. Costing 10s of 1000s of precious lives. Loved ones, neighbors, friends and family, Moms and Dads were lost. These acts of murder and hate were intended to embarrass and belittle our great nation so that it may be sent into retreat.
The price to pay for assisted suicide costs a lot more than just money. Some of the elderly or sick people believe that they would become a financial burden to their friends and loved ones. In fact, in one of the states where assisted suicide is allowed, a poll was taken. The poll revealed that 66% of citizens would only consider assisted suicide because of being a financial burden on their loved ones. One person even says “If I had terminal cancer, I had a few weeks to live, I was in tremendous amount of pain - if they just effectively wanted to turn off the switch and legalize that by legalizing euthanasia, I'd want that” (Key).