because they are full of chemicals that can harm the body. Some of the most popular chemicals are: Sodium Benzoate, Butylated hydroxide, and Butlate hydroxytoluene, canthaxanthin, olestra, high fructose corn syrup, mono sodium Glut amate, partially hydrogenated oils, Potassium bromate, and sodium nitrate. Sodium Benzoate is a chemical combined with sodium hydroxide and benzoin acid. Butylated hydroxanisole keeps the oils in the foods from oxidizing. Canthaxanthin is a natural dye in most meats. High fructose
Today, the media seems so eager to throw at us the next shocking threat to consumers – the deodorant that is causing cancer, the food that is, in fact, terrible for your bone health, or the ingredient in this brand of cereal that will surely lead to heart problems. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and the search for the truth seems never-ending. For some people, these latest dangers and discoveries are nearly irrelevant, either because they are unimportant to the person or they don’t
Dehydration Skin dehydration is a basic process of when your skin is healthy, it will get rid of dead skin cells up and out through the pore (in other words, it exfoliates itself and regenerates the new skin). Still, there's a whole multitude of chemical products that will dehydrate your skin (ie. not enough water left in the skin layers). As your skin is dehydrated, it will begin to trap those dead skin cells and the chemical junk leftover in makeups and other skin care products into your pores
Humans consume a variety of foods on a dialy bases, but what makes up these foods. In this lab we will test for macromolecules in a variety of substances. In order to fully comprehend this lab one should be famillar with the various macromolecules. The four main macromolecules are protein, carbohydrates, lipids and nucliec acids, but in this investigation we will be only testing for protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. The term macromolecule refers to a "large molecule which is built by joining subunits
Question Do synthesised food additives, such as esters and aromatic hydrocarbons, have a negative impact on humans? Introduction In the modern world, refined foods are packed with additives, flavourants and colourants, masked as interesting smells and flavours which make processed foods more appealing to majority of the population. Food additives are chemicals (such as esters, aromatic hydrocarbons and hydrogenated oils) used in food products in order to increase their shelf life and to enhance their
Most food manufacturers use plenty of unhealthy and even suspicious ingredients in order to extend the shelf life of their food items. This means that you need to stay away from these toxic ingredients at all costs if you are to protect your health… Here are the top 10 offenders (not ranked according to the level of harm they cause): 1. Monosodium Glutamate ( MSG) MSG is an amino acid typically used to enhance the flavor of processed foods. It is well-known excitotoxin, which has been scientifically
Pomegranate has various health beneficial properties, mainly antioxidants and antimicrobial. The inedible pomegranate rinds contain about 50% of the total fruit weight and it contain various bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, ellagitannins (ETs), and proanthocyanidin compounds(Li et al., 2006), minerals, mainly potassium, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium (Mirdehghan and Rahemi, 2007), and complex polysaccharides (Viuda-Martos et al., 2010). The edible pomegranate