Transition to a Jewish Adult "Are you ready?" questioned my mother before I stepped onto the bimah, or the dais, to chant my first torah portion. I have been to many Jewish bat mitzvahs, however, having my own bat mitzvah was a completely different experience. All of this preparation, and the whole day came and left by the blink of an eye. The process leading up to the day was more important than the actual event. This coming of age taught me many things, including responsibility, determination
unfortunately the Masoretes did not supply instructions for interpreting these markings. Scholars agree that these markings at least serve to divide the text into sections and aid in the correct interpretation of the text. Scholars do believe they are cantillation markings but the markings differ in meaning from person to person and across geographical regions. However, Haïk-Vantoura has her own theory on the te’amim. In her findings there is reference to the sublinear and superlinear te’amim. The sublinear
Non-Jewish music has come a long way. Hundreds of Rabbi’s have inspired and restricted the music and have turned it into what it is today. Contrafactum is an important word in the history of Jewish music since it describes the use of other melodies and replaces its original text with a new text. Many Rabbis used this technique but many others were opposed to it. Starting very early in the 11th century, R. Mosheh Ibn Ezra discusses the use of musical instruments in his Book of the Garden. He believes
There are all kinds of different genres of music, whether it be Christian, Rock, Rap, or Opera. All cultures around the world have traces of music because it is a part of the human instinct. For me, Christian rap is my favorite genre of music to listen to for many different reasons. Lecrae is by far my favorite rapper because of his outlook and purpose of his songs. Christian rap is starting to become a trend nowadays to most Christians. However, Christian rap didn’t just come out of nowhere, it