Colorado Essays

  • Essay On Colorado Rainfall

    1264 Words  | 6 Pages

    The average annual rainfall in Colorado is 15 inches (38 centimeters). The rainfall in Denver ranges from 8 to 15 inches annually because of the dry conditions. The average snowfall in Denver is approximately 57 inches annually. Fall in Colorado is typically dry with little precipitation. Summer are low-humidity but can get very hot during the day. The threat of thunder storms is present. Spring in Colorado is very hit or miss. In spring one could see a blizzard, hail, sleet, or a light rain. This

  • Colorado Water Crisis Essay

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    thinks about Colorado one thinks about the mountains, wildlife, and rivers. Colorado is a beautiful state that has so much land and wildlife to offer, it’s a state that is full of peace and tranquility with all its environment that it provides for our population and tourists. However, due to population growth and climate change Colorado runs the risk of going through a water crisis. Conservation Colorado is the largest environmental nonprofit organization in Colorado. Fighting for Colorado to be able

  • Colorado Springs Business Case Study

    940 Words  | 4 Pages

    Colorado Springs has a rich business climate with a large and diverse group of industries that provide many job opportunities for any skill level, but especially for those who have technical skills. Major Industries include: o Aerospace/Defense o Customer support/Financial Services/Back Office o Healthcare o Information Technology o Local Businesses o Manufacturing o Medical Innovation & Technology o Nonprofit o Sports Economy There is a large number of interior designers, architects and engineering

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Colorado

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    Visiting to a state that I have always wanted to go is to visit Colorado with my family; therefore, it was fun while going to that place. This happened last years’ summer. There are a few things that we did in that state. So before we went to Colorado, we had to drive from one state to another. Like we first drove from Illinois, our state, to Iowa. We had to stop in Iowa for many reasons. Our family had to stop to using bathrooms, we also stop and to get gas because we drove on the highway, and sometimes

  • A Colorado History And The Excerpt Of Rufus Sages Rocky Mountain Life

    1005 Words  | 5 Pages

    into Colorado they would become the guiding force that helped America expand west and be the leading cause to the decrease of beaver, bison and other large ungulates populations. From reading A Colorado History and the excerpt of Rufus Sages Rocky Mountain Life, I will answer the questions: Was the fur trade just a business venture for the people who engaged in it? Did explorers and traders serve as cultural middlemen, introducing one culture to another, in the area that would become Colorado? How

  • Colorado River Fair Research Paper

    881 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Colorado River Fair, as part of the network of California fairs, provides an enormous return on investment both economically and socially. Fairs celebrate our history and heritage. They are an educational opportunity for youth and provide wholesome entertainment for families. 4-H and FFA programs support California’s vibrant agriculture sector. Community members of all ages enter their artwork, baked goods, photography and other homemade products in pursuit of coveted blue ribbons. Many

  • Colorado River Trip Analysis

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    backpacking, and kayaking trips to many different places. It wasn’t really about where we were going because I knew, in my mind, that wherever we were going to go it was going to be beautiful. There was one trip in particular where we were kayaking the Colorado River near Hoover Dam and I remember being amazed by the water, vegetation, and how a mountain goat could be at the very edge of the mountain and not fall off. My first instinct was to “observe the landscape, attending for reasons of [my] own to

  • Colorado's Involvement In The Civil War

    863 Words  | 4 Pages

    Many people think the state of Colorado was not involved in the Civil War. That is not completely true but Colorado did not play any very important parts in the war. However this seemingly remote state far west actually was involved with battles and had famous generals lead the Colorado territory. Colorado became a U.S. territory on February 28, 1861, and eventually became a state on August 1, 1876. The territory was useful not only to the Unions being a Union state but it also helped the Confederacy

  • How Does Prohibition Affect The State Of Denver

    491 Words  | 2 Pages

    population and economy are of interest to many of its resident voters who partake in decisions of proposed laws and newly passed laws. The State of Colorado is growing rapidly, economy is rising and new laws are taking effect. A great debate arises regarding the new law passed in June of 2016 of allowing Colorado supermarkets to sell full strength liquor. Colorado will benefit from liquor sales in supermarkets. Currently 3.2% beer is the only type of alcohol sold in supermarkets and with our population

  • University Park Neighborhood Case Study

    1504 Words  | 7 Pages

    But when analyzing University Park, you must not forget the fact that the University of Denver is responsible for much of the development in this part of Denver. In the 1880’s, the Colorado Seminary found its new home as the University of Denver in University Park ( With donations made by nearby landowners, the school could begin constructing their first buildings. The donors did have stipulations: There had to be plenty

  • Telluride Environmental History

    1984 Words  | 8 Pages

    16, 2017 Local Environmental History of Telluride, Colorado “If you want to find a species wholly new to science and have your name inscribed Latinly in some secular version of an eternal rollbook, then your best bet is to come to the southern Appalachians, climb some obscure and snakey mountain where, as the saying goes, "the hand of man has never set foot," and start turning over rocks” (Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek). Telluride, Colorado, a city that began its journey in 1875 as a mining town

  • Informative Essay: The Grand Canyon

    588 Words  | 3 Pages

    Grand Canyon,the Grand Canyon is a very fun place to go to. It is an interesting and awesome place because iIt has huge mountains and big water streams. People also get to see very old Navajo homes. It is highly recommended to go there! Three reasons why the Grand Canyon is special and important, it is fun, interesting, and big, The Grand Canyon can be very fun. It can be fun because people get to explore and it is a beautiful view for everyone. One example from the text, “the Grand Canyon

  • Arapaho Tribe Essay

    896 Words  | 4 Pages

    Arapaho Indians The Arapaho Indians are a commonly known Native American tribe. Their name according to the Pawnee means “trader” or from the Crow it means “tattooed people”. The Arapaho tribe was known to live in the eastern plains of Colorado and Wyoming. Soon after the Plains culture was put into effect the tribe decided to split into two different tribes: the Northern Arapahos and the Southern Arapahos. The Northern Arapaho continue to live in Wyoming, while the Southern Arapaho lives with the

  • John Benet Ramsey Research Paper

    726 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jon Benet Ramsey was born on August 6, 1990 in Atlanta Georgia and lived like any child would. She moved to Colorado at a young age and started competing in beauty pageants across the state. Other than being enrolled in beauty pageants, JonBenet lived a close to normal life. She attended High Peaks Elementary School in Boulder, Colorado. On December 26. 1996, JonBenet Ramsey was found dead in the Ramsey's basement. It all started with a ransom note that was found by the mother, Patricia (Patsy)

  • Persuasive Essay On Home Insurance

    869 Words  | 4 Pages

    Denver Colorado is rapidly becoming a hot spot for people who want a change of lifestyle, as well as a change of view. Denver and its Rocky Mountain surroundings adds all of that and some more. Weather wise, it can hardly be beat, yielding on average more than 300 sunny days per year. For those tired of clouds, rain, and humidity, Denver Colorado is the one great escape. People go to Denver and ultimately don't want to leave. With all of the great things about Denver, and people becoming residents

  • Pros Of Fracking

    735 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fracking is not a new think it was invent seventy years ago in 1947(“ Thanks To Fracking, Earthquake Hazards In Parts Of Oklahoma Now Comparable To”).For most of those years it has been loosely regulated because people were further worried about what was happening with the coal industry. The fracking fluid starts in a tank then it moves through a pipe into a sand truck. Then the mixture is moved into the blending truck. It moves tough one more machine which is the frac pump that pumps it down into

  • Ski Colorado's Gems Essay

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    TITLE Skiing Colorado's Gems: Skiing Up High At Low Rates LEAD PARAGRAPH Colorado’s mountains have some of the best skiing in the world. Skiers and snowboarders flock to these white-powder kingdoms in search of winter fun. The trick is how to have a great time and spend less? Enter the Gems card. This discount card sells for just 25 USD but pays big dividends for those who use it to its utmost. The Gems Cards is an affiliation of ten ski resorts that have banded together for marketing purposes

  • A Personal Essay On Pebble Beach Golf Career

    872 Words  | 4 Pages

    Beautiful views and not full of tourists this is Telluride Colorado. Visiting Telluride is on my bucket list because I am a skier and I love the outdoors and mountain life. Telluride has one of the best ski resorts in the country but they don’t have the crowds of a normal ski resort. I have researched a ski resort to go to every winter for the past two years and I have had my eye on this place. I have been told by a family member that used to live there that Telluride is spectacular and by far the

  • Cowboy Wash: The Anasazi Culture

    1719 Words  | 7 Pages

    Archaeological site, Cowboy Wash, is located in South Western Colorado and holds the ancient history of the early Anasazi people (Walker, 1997). Cowboy Wash was excavated by Soil Systems Inc. as part of their Ute Mountain Irrigated Lands Archaeological Project. They constructed the project between 1992-1998 (Billman 1997,1998,1999). The Anasazi people began as a hunter gatherer culture and slowly moved into an agricultural society. One of their main questionable cultural activities is their participation

  • Arapaho Tribe Research Paper

    1229 Words  | 5 Pages

    Arapaho Indians The Arapaho Indians are a commonly known Native American tribe. Their name according to the Pawnee means “trader” or from the Crow it means “tattooed people”. The Arapaho tribe was known to live in the eastern plains of Colorado and Wyoming. Soon after the Plains culture was put into effect the tribe decided to split into two different tribes: the Northern Arapahos and the Southern Arapahos. The Northern Arapaho continue to live in Wyoming, while the Southern Arapaho lives with the