Controversies Essays

  • Investiture Controversy In Gregorian Reform

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    their power. Pope Gregory VII wanted to fight against simony, the bribing of those in power to be granted bishoprics and resolve the issue of who was allowed to invest bishops, the Pope or Emperor. This resulted in what is called the Investiture Controversy in which Pope Gregory VII wanted to reserve the power to appoint bishops to the papal authority, King Henry VI disliked this idea as he liked to install bishops himself, that way they would owe him fealty. Their conflict was so intense that Gregory

  • The Controversy Over Christmas Advertisements

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    IS IT BENEFIICIAL TO AIR CHRISTMAS ADS BEFORE DECEMBER? It seems that Christmas advertising has moved its way further up the calendar each year. Some people love the idea of Christmas in July, while others look at it as a marketing scam. I am going to talk about the history, benefits, and believers, as well as those who do not really care for the fad of Christmas advertising before Christmas. Dating back to November 1885, Christmas advertisements were already peeking out. Within

  • Salman Rushdie Controversy

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    The book The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie started controversies worldwide. The entire controversy was even given the name The Satanic Verses Controversy, it was also called The Rushdie Affair. The man who had written the book had actually had a bounty put on his head by the government of his country. That bounty is still in position to this day. There are many different parts of this book that can be seen as controversial. The spelling of some of the names and the characters that those names

  • King Henry IV: Lay Investiture Controversy

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    and that it was allowed since he had been blessed by God. Nevertheless, popes believed that kings did not have the right to do this. These two conflicting ideas caused the Lay Investiture Controversy. Kings had been excommunicated by the pope for practicing lay investiture. The end of the Investiture Controversy was the creation of the Concordat of Worms (Henry V, and

  • Violent Video Game Controversy

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    before it, video games have become the subject of many controversies. With the increasing realism of violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto and the news about mass shootings, many people have begun to link the two and are claiming that video games have the ability to cause violence in youths. This has led to people advocating for restrictions, regulations, and even bans on the sale of violent video games to children and teens. The controversy about violent video games is significant,

  • Redskins Controversy

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    The Redskins, an American Football Team, needs to change their name. For years, many Native Americans have complained of the Redskins’ name being racist towards them. They say it does not hold honor to them, it instead reduces them to their skin color and how the pilgrims saw them as. The oppression that this nation has put their culture and people through must be addressed. In 1858, the government had directly taken the reserves given to the Native Americans for resources the nation had wanted.

  • The Controversy Of Violent Video Games

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    ATTENTION! In 1976 one the first "violent video games" was made called death race. Death race caused a controversy because the goal was to run over as many "gremlins" as you possibly can and when you did a grave stone popped up. Most parents would not let their kids play these violent games but these violent video games are not so bad after all according to recent studies ("A timeline of video game controversies"). Playing violent video games can actually be very suitable for teens. Violent video games can

  • Violent Video Game Controversy

    384 Words  | 2 Pages

    Violent Video Game Controversy Some think that violent video games make high school or college teens more likely to commence a mass shooting, studies show 27% had an interest in violent movies, 24% in violent books, and 37% exhibited interest in their own violent writings, while only 12% showed interest in violent video games("The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the United States) United States Secret Service website

  • Violent Video Game Controversy

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    more and more time playing video games. Video games also have become more and more violent, and it has bought up many concerns. Do video games have an impact on children’s and young teens? There have been many researches and theory’s that led to controversy. Video games have an impact on children and young teens, it causes aggressive behavior. Research states that video games can help with team work and patient. Video games have been around for many years and it has been getting better with technology

  • Controversy About Video Games

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    people still seem to disagree with the proposal that video games can improve one’s lifestyle or one’s being in a positive manner. Those who have come to appreciate video games, however, would adamantly disagree with the previous statements. Controversy about and speculations towards video game’s nature has existed since their creation. They began as simple lines and dots that served only a purpose or two on clunky machines, and

  • Violent Video Games Controversy

    1211 Words  | 5 Pages

    The controversy over video games and teenager behavior problems has strengthened in popularity in the past few years. However, the controversy was first brought up around the time a game called Mortal Combat, the first violent video game, was released in 1992. Many people believe that violent video games encourage immoral behavior in teens. On the other hand, many people also believe that the video games do not affect teen’s behavior. Evidence can corroborate that violent video games do no cause

  • Washington Football Team Controversy

    440 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Washington D.C football team has started a controversy with many people that are from the American Indian background. The “indian” sports mascot, logos, or symbols show an image of the Native American people that is not true. To some this may concerning, but to others this is no big deal. I think that this is something that people and teams should care or think about. Not only is what they 're doing offensive it’s also disrespecting to the history of Native Americans. They have been suppressed

  • The Controversy Surrounding The Use Of Minecraft In The Classroom

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    to the famous arcade game Pong. A short time later in 1976, the home video game Death Race made its debut and enraged many consumers. (1) The violence in this reckless driving game came too fast and too soon. From then on, there has always been controversy surrounding video games. Although there is much speculation surrounding the link between playing video games and violence, their implementation could benefit

  • Native American Mascot Controversy Essay

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    nor loses. The choice of a Native American mascot continues to initiate debate and controversy among fans, alumni, and athletes today. More specifically, the debate over the controversy surround the Washington Redskin football team. The Redskins have come under very intense pressure in recent months to change their name, which many Native American leaders have denounced as a racial slur. So, why all the controversy?  The argument to whether Native American mascots

  • Controversy Regarding Violent Video Games In The Nineteenth Century

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    Gomez 1 Juan Gomez Professor Romenesko ENC 1101 October 26, 2015 Video Games Video games have completely changed over the past half century and so has the controversy regarding “violent video games” and its link with actual violence. In 1952 the first computer game was made by A.S. Douglas; he made a tic tac toe computer game. Later in 1958 the first real video game was made by William Higinbotham he called it Tennis for Two. Tennis for Two was played on a small circular monitor connected to a

  • Controversy Over The Use Of Violent Video Games

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    The issue that is being debated is whether or not violent video games can cause people to do hateful things. Whether you agree or disagree with this statement, most people agree that violent video games shouldn’t be played as a young kid. Most violent video games are rated “M”which stands for maturity or “A” which stands for adult, these games are not meant for young kids. Often parents will still buy the video game for them thinking it’s ok, when really these games can be too graphic and might

  • Controversy Over The Use Of Violent Video Games

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    I believe violent video games should be allowed ,but they should be played according to their rating and have a time limit.. A reason to monitor videogames is because it can make kids hostile. It promotes violence and it also can have a negative effect on eyesight when played to long. Children sometimes act very aggressive and hostile, but most times, the reasons people believe kids are acting these ways are because of the violent videogames, which is why I think that parents should follow

  • The Controversy Over The Use Of Violent Video Games

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    Have you ever witnessed a young child playing a video game? If you can recall, did the game look age appropriate for him or her to play? Maybe not, right? Ever since the creation of video games, violent and gruesome games have made a major killing in the run also. Some actions in these games include killing zombies, shooting innocent citizens, and fighting that ends in either someone dying or hurting. Although there are games that can help children solve strategical problems, cooperate and work together

  • The Controversy Over The Use Of Violent Video Games

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    Violent video game may be fun and kids my age might love this but what is really the addiction? Today we have protests about gun control, that link to some very sad very horrific things. In the recent mass shoot in Parkland Florida The shooter was also linked back to playing very violent video games a lot(Maya salam and Liam stack). Today so many kids play these types of games , we never know how one's self person could be affected. For this very reason violent video games should not be allowed

  • The Controversy Over The Use Of Virtual Rape In Video Games

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    In my opinion yeah it should be allowed but it's not right.Since their already violence and other activities going on in video games which is not right,why not virtual rape. With technology nowadays as increase the ability to do many things in video games that seems to be real but it's not. virtual rape is not right in general but also killing,shooting,and stabbing and other violence is not right as well. The word rape seems to bother people because it is a big deal in the real world,as well as murder