Crime fiction Essays

  • Crime-Fiction: The Twenty Rules Of Crime Fiction

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    Renowned crime-fiction author P.D James once said ‘Crime fiction confirms our belief, despite some evidence to the contrary. That we live in a rational comprehensible and moral universe.’(Goodreads Inc:2015) The crime-fiction genre in itself has the power to restore justice and order in the word however fictional it may be. It has the power make one believe that in the end the perpetrator will always be found and will be punished. However, crime in the real world isn’t always necessarily resolved

  • Trainspotting Film Analysis

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    Even though it may be just a stereotype, the Scottish people are not generally known for their joyful nature and friendliness. No wonder, considering the geographical location of the country, the weather and the scarce population in the wild landscape. Kilts, mysterious countryside full of lochs and ruined castles, back pipes, whiskey and Brave Heart is what usually comes to people’s minds when Scotland is mentioned, but legends and nature are not exactly what the contemporary Scottish films usually

  • Romantic Illusions In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

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    The prologue of Waltz into Darkness undermines any romantic illusions as the story itself begins, circa 1900, introducing us to a wealthy Cuban coffee planter named Luis Durand who anticipates the arrival of a mail order bride named Julia Russell (Jolie). Handsome and rich, he has never married ("Love is not for me. Love is for those people who believe in it"). His expectations for the bride are realistic: "She is not meant to be beautiful. She is meant to be kind, true and young enough to bear

  • Cool Air Lovecraft Analysis

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    Waiting on every exhausting whim of an 18 year old preserved corpse sounds absurd and impossible, but for H.P. Lovecraft’s first person narrator in “Cool Air” it is a shocking reality. The strategic application of first person point of view keeps the reader on edge with a limited view. Any other point of view would reveal too much information on the pivotal Doctor Muñoz, and not allow access to the narrator's thoughts and emotions. First person point of view in H.P. Lovecraft’s “Cool Air” connects

  • The Motive For Murder In Poe's The Cask Of Amontillado

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    The motive for Murder in Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” is an interesting story that revolves around the confession of a man, Montresor, to an unknown person. Montresor confesses how he murdered Fortunato. Like most of his works, Poe has used the first person narrative to address the readers directly. He has also addressed the theme of death. This notable subject is evident in most of his works such as “The Tale-A-Tell” and “The Black Cat.” While Montresor

  • Essay On Why We Read

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    Why we read? We read because reading benefits our body, inspires us to be better people, and expands our capabilities to be imaginative, creative and empathetic. A negative stigma about reading has developed in the current century: that reading is a mere pastime, that it is a taxing chore [or labour], and simply a hobby for the elderly or people with time on their hands. But reading is much more than this. In recent years, research into the benefits of reading has shown us that reading helps to improve

  • Essay On The Shawshank Redemption

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    Stephen King’s novella, “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption,” and Frank Darabont’s adaptation, The Shawshank Redemption, offer a story about a man who is sentenced to life in prison for the murders of his wife and her lover. The predominant reading is that it is redemptive and hopeful. In fact, the term “redemption” in the title also seems to “invite theological exploration,” and many critics have taken on that task (Marsh 47). The story is laden with Christian symbols of rebirth, baptism, covenants

  • Sherlock Holmes Symbolism

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    The figure of Sherlock Holmes first appeared more than 150 years ago but the level of interest and adoration of it has not changed through the years. We know about the famous detective probably more than about any other historical figure of the Victorian time. As Orson Welles, an American actor, described Sherlock as „The world’s most famous Man who never existed » (Jackson 151), and this phrase can not characterize the image of the famous detective more precisely. The character outlived his author

  • Eric Edgar Cooke Essay

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    Abstract Eric Edgar Cooke the ‘Night Caller’ has struck Perth with murder, stabbings, hit-and-runs and burglaries which during 1931-64 until his death. Due to a neglected childhood with a alcoholism father and bullying Cooke’s murderous out take on the world and random killings not only make his next target difficult to find but also Cooke himself. Studies on Cooke have shown his psychopathic styles of killing are not only unique but also the work of a ‘Nedland monster’ in Perth district. As Cooke

  • And Then There Were None Antagonist

    448 Words  | 2 Pages

    Agatha Christie is well-known globally for her crime fiction novels consisting of “Murder on the Orient Express”, “Death of the Nile”, and “And then there were none” which is a physiological thriller about 10 guests at an island, whom all receive punishment/revenge for actions committed earlier in their lives. An antagonist is a person who opposes an opinion, usually the protagonist’s opinion. This creates conflict which drives the storyline. Leading to suspense, uncertainty, ambiguity and unknown

  • Juxtaposition In And Then There Were None

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    is unmoved by the accusations, due to the fact that he reveals himself as the murderer much later in the novel. Justice Wargrave commits the gruesome murders because he believes these people are not innocent and therefore deserve to die for their crimes. Wargrave describes himself in a letter in the epilogue as “a mass of contradictions,” chiefly citing his “lust to kill” juxtaposed with his view that no “innocent person or creature should suffer or die by any act of [his]” (Christie And Then 178)

  • Injustice In Percival Everett's The Trees

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    recognized as a vehicle for investigating and advocating for social justice issues, including Indigenous rights, human rights, and racial justice. The genre’s focus on crime, corruption, and moral ambiguity provides ample opportunities for authors to highlight and critique systemic injustices within society through their works of fiction. Percival Everett’s book The Trees is an excellent example of how the noir genre can be used to explore these issues. Everett is very specific in the way that he highlights

  • Technology In The Life And Crimes Of Harry Lavender

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    appear on the roads. The sound of the shutter in photo booths as young couples and students take photos. The soft sound of waves crashing against the sand at Bondi Beach. And… The world of crime underneath. This is the 1980s society of Sydney which Marele Day’s postmodern crime fiction novel ‘The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender’ sets itself in and demonstrates values of the time through character actions and perceptions in the text. Day uses and subverts conventional hard-boiled detective characters

  • Lamb To The Slaughter By Roald Dahl

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    Crime fiction has been popular in the western world since the nineteenth century. I am going to talk about a sub-genre called detective crime using Roald Dahl’s 1953 short story ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’. ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ is about an innocent housewife who went into shock when she discovered her detective husband was intending to leave her, and she spends the remainder of the story trying to cover it up. The protagonist, Mary Maloney, is a typical 1950s housewife. When we are first introduced

  • The Murders In The Rue Morgue And The Purloined Letter

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    we traditionally expect from the genre. Poe shaped the genre of detective fiction - although he preferred to call them “tales of ratiocination” - after introducing Detective C. Auguste Dupin. Dupin analyses unsolved mysteries and uses his advanced cognitive ability to deduce information to solve cases; thus, a new genre was born. To describe how Poe’s short stories both comply with the general expectations of detective fiction and how they defy them, I plan to examine The Murders in the Rue Morgue

  • David Lynch Auteur

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    by David Lynch, can be considered crime fiction films, with noticeable archetypes of the genre contained within. Moreover, these two distinct films can be considered subversive and their director, David Lynch, as an auteur director. This essay will begin to discuss the notion of the auteur and how Lynch fits this concept, while thinking of Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks as post-modern products. Furthermore, the two texts in question will be considered as crime fiction material and analysed in regards

  • Examples Of Greed In The Maltese Falcon

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    Greed Expressed in the Maltese Falcon Crime. Secrets. These words are often associated with the mystery genre. What often comes to mind is the common detective story, where a crime and a detective are introduced. Then, the heroic detective apprehends the culprit by deduction from clues. However, in the 1920s, a new era of crime fiction arose: American hard-boiled crime fiction. In this type of crime fiction, a sense of “graphic sex and violence, vivid but often sordid urban backgrounds, and fast-paced

  • Agatha Christies: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case

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    Anjaly Chacko 17/PELA/034 Clues from Novel to Screen in the Novel Agatha Christie’s Curtain: Poirot’s Last Case Agatha Christie is considered as the Queen of Crime all over the world. Agatha Christie’s novels are related to the Golden Age of Detective Fiction. An intelligent and famous investigator, Hercule Poirot is the major character in these Detective stories. Poirot is a French private who is world renown for solving some of the puzzling mysteries. Several films and television adaptations

  • Monica Hesse's 'Girl In The Blue Coat'

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    are presented every year by the Mystery Writers of America. Based in New York City, The M.W.A focuses to honor talent since the late 1950’s. Therefore, it allows for all books, short stories, and television shows that require a sense of mystery, crime, suspense, or intriguing fields that qualify for The Edgar Awards. However, it is not quite easy to apply. According to the Mystery Writers of America’s official website, the requirements of participating and qualify for the criteria focuses on, “All…

  • Detective Assistants

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    In many detective fictions, there always been a companion by the side of the detectives. Sometimes, they act as the narrator, and shoulder the task of showing the detectives’ legendary deed of solving the case to the public. And at other times, they will act as the assistants to help the detectives do some investigation. Dupin and the narrator “I”, Holmes and Dr. Watson, Father Brown and his friend the once-bandit Flambeau, Poirot and his assistant Hasting, the list of the combination of detective