Domestication Essays

  • Inaccuracies Of Domestication

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    crops and livestock came in prehistoric times to be domesticated from ancestral wild plants and animals, by societies who could have had no vision of the outcome. Geographic differences in the local suites of wild plants and animals available for domestication go a long way toward explaining why only a few areas became independent centers of food production, and why it arose earlier in some of those areas than in others. Jared Diamond discusses how successfully domesticated animal species, like the

  • Domestication Of Domesticated Animals During The Neolithic Age

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    Pelletier April 23, 2023 Domestication is the process of evolving wild animals and plants for human use. It played a huge role during the Neolithic Age. Animals were usually domesticated for human resource and benefits. Domestication is always going to be important for humans such as cattle, dogs, pigs and sheep just to name a few were all used for human benefits, but it begs to question to ask which animal was significant for humans to survive when it came to domestication. Dogs are the most impactful

  • Guns Germs And Steel Critical Analysis

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    stronger civilizations conquering or absorbing the weaker ones. In PBS’ Guns, Germs, and Steel, anthropologist Jared Diamond explains his theory on how some of the greatest civilizations came into existence. According to Diamond, geographical luck, domestication of animals, and worldwide expansion of ideals allowed for these civilizations to continue forward. Diamond’s main theory revolves around the geographical luck of certain civilizations. For example, the Middle East’s Fertile Crescent is presumed

  • Guns Germs And Steel Summary

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    Chapter nine in Guns Germs and steel goes to describe how and where many of the domesticated animals in history came from, and how many of the larger species could not be domesticated and why. He uses the analogy of the Anna Karenina principle, that there are many reasons why an animal could be undomesticable, but in order for an animal to be domesticated, it must fit a multitude of requirements for it to be advantageous to use it in this way. He specifically refers to large animals, those over

  • Domestication In Frankenstein

    257 Words  | 2 Pages

    Since the beginning of time man has always strived to learn new things. First Men were hunters and gathers and then they learned about domestication and they learnt about the growing of food like the wild berries they had always had to forage for and this brought about the knowledge of Agriculture. And in the same fashion they learnt about fire they used it to warm themselves they could cook their foods they could use it to ward away predators but in due time they started using it to kill each

  • How Did The Neolithic Revolution Affect Humanity

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    negative impacts on humanity, and life would be better off without it. "With agriculture came the gross social and sexual inequality, the disease and despotism, that curse our existence." (Diamond). Would humanity be better off if farming and domestication of animals didn't exist? How would society look today if we stayed nomadic as hunter-gatherers? The adoption of agriculture had beneficial impacts on humanity because it, helped keep a steady food supply, improved technology and sciences, and created

  • The Neolithic Revolution: The Causes Of The Neolithic Revolution

    2216 Words  | 9 Pages

    In the Paleolithic era that preceded the Neolithic era and revolution, farming and domestication of animals were virtually nonexistent. To obtain food, families had to relocate with herds of wild animals; they also had to relocate when the plant supply was depleted. The vast majority of the population consisted of hunters and gathers, so the tools of that time period were used for hunting and gathering purposes. These tools were simple stone tools made by chipping away at one stone with another

  • Final Essay

    675 Words  | 3 Pages

    Agriculture has an enormous impact on our society. Without agriculture how would we feed ourselves and the livestock that we eat? The domestication of plants for food was critical decision in the evolution of humans. Humans did not always domesticate plants, before 8000 BC humans were hunter/gatherers, this change was called the Neolithic Revolution. We relied on our abilities to hunt wild animals and gather wild plants for food. Another key point in human history was the Green Revolution. The Green

  • Jared Diamond: The Roots Of Human Civilization

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    Through thirty years of researching, he found out that the two innovations that humans had developed in the Fertile Crescent had been the domestication of farming and animals. The Fertile Crescent was able to have a prosperous civilization only because geography was on their side. Without being placed in the center of a land mass, farming couldn’t have spread very far and modern civilizations

  • Animal Domestication

    3249 Words  | 13 Pages

    captivity. The relative evidence of changes needs to be evaluated in a wide variety of mammalian taxa to have appropriate conclusions, using non-mammalian examples for a fair comparison, however limitations will be set. Morphological effects of the domestication-process are something that will be considered when comparisons are presented between hard and soft tissues in domestic and captive animals to their wild counterparts. Relative changes are; differences in skull

  • Horse Domestication

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    shows that the first domestication of horses dates back to nearly 6,000 years ago and it

  • Chapter Summary: Professor Diamond

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    The Hunting - Gathering lifestyle became less and less rewarding over the years. Another factor, resulting in the lifestyles being less rewarding, was that plant domestication was becoming more rewarding. A third factor was the development of technologies on which food production would eventually end up depending on. A fourth factor was the link between the rise of human population density and the rise in food production

  • Neolithic Revolution In Guns, Germs, And Steel James Diamond

    348 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Guns, Germs, and Steel James Diamond analyzed the causes and effects of the Neolithic Revolution. Causes of the Neolithic Revolution included crops and the domestication of animals. The Neolithic Revolution started when people began to plant their own crops. People built villages and then farmed the land around those villages. They farmed crops that were productive, like wheat. It could be easily planted, and just needed water. Once people were settled down they domesticated animals like cows

  • Summary Of Gun's Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond

    667 Words  | 3 Pages

    In PBS’s episode one entitled Out of Eden of the series Gun’s Germs, and Steel, Professor Jared Diamond attempts to answer the question of “why you white men have so much cargo and we New Guineans have so little.” (Cassian Harrison, 2005) Professor Diamond’s begins his research by exploring history from 13,000 years ago, pre-dating civilizations, during a time period equivalent to New Guinea’s present day. Professor Diamond delves into the origins of traditional societies and tracks their evolution

  • Causes Of The Neolithic Revolution

    2182 Words  | 9 Pages

    In the Paleolithic era that preceded the Neolithic era and revolution, farming and domestication of animals were virtually nonexistent. To obtain food, families had to relocate as the herds of wild animals migrated; they also were forced to relocate when the vegetal supply was depleted in their area. The vast majority of the population consisted of hunters and gathers, so the tools of that time period were used for hunting and gathering purposes. These tools were simple stone tools made by chipping

  • Guns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond

    735 Words  | 3 Pages

    today. Jared Diamond wrote a book that is called "Guns, Germs and Steel". In the book, he explains why some societies are materially successful than others. He attributes societal success to geography, immunity to germs, food production, the domestication of animals, and use of steel. Other parts of the globe, such as Europe While on a trip in New Guinea, one of the politicians named Yali, asked the question, "Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea,

  • Inca Geography

    1291 Words  | 6 Pages

    against an Empire with millions of subjects. How was it possible for the European Empire to decimate an entire civilization? Due to the Europeans geographical location and climate,they had reliable and nutritious crops, many animals suitable for domestication, which led to immunity from epidemic diseases, and the time and resources to develop steel. Latitude and other geographic factors determine the climate of all locations. Climate controls which crops people can grow, which determines how much

  • Artificial Selection In Domestic Animals

    999 Words  | 4 Pages

    Artificial selection and domestic animal production Animals have been assisting humans for centuries. From uses as duty animals to the propose of consumption, our reliance on these organisms came to the point that we start selecting breeds that are more beneficial, or animals that fulfills our intentions. This process is call artificial selection. These animals include specific milking cows, duty dogs, and cross-bred domestic animal for entertainment. Most domesticates we have today are the survivors

  • How Did Geographic Location Shape Ancient Civilization

    1036 Words  | 5 Pages

    Geographic Location and Ancient Civilization Advanced technologies, large populations, and a well organized work force are three very important aspects that make civilizations great. Planet Earth has gone through many different climatic changes over the past thousands of years, and each time civilizations have adapted and thrived. So, the main question is, how did geographic location help shape ancient civilization? Around 13,000 years ago Middle Easterners were thriving in their environments.

  • Domestication Of Animals And Animals

    1008 Words  | 5 Pages

    meant that they had to domesticate. Domestication is the taming of an organism to convert it to domestic use. Domestication however differs from taming in a sense that with domestication, both the behaviour and the physical characteristics of an organism can change. Domesticated organisms live in close contact with humans, mainly because they are beneficial to them. Domestication is the taming of an organism to convert it to domestic use. With domestication both the behaviour and the physical characteristics