Evaluation Essays

  • The Purpose Of A Program Evaluation

    787 Words  | 4 Pages

    Program Evaluation Christina King HHS 460 Instructor Christian Funk December 1, 2014 Program Evaluation There are several steps pertinent to effective program assessment. To begin with the first step is to explain what the parts of the program evaluation are. The program needs to be described and the goals must be defined. The purpose of the evaluation is explained and what the rational for the evaluation must be clear. Next the evaluation design will be determined. When deciding

  • Level 3 Evaluation

    538 Words  | 3 Pages

    Level 3 Evaluations In my current role as Spanish-speaking Training Specialist I have been using level 3 evaluations on a frequent basis without even realizing it. I usually train one to two groups each month. Our new Financial Services Officers (FSOs) have a training certification checklist that they must complete within the first month on the job. Once the trainees have completed their certification checklist, they are sent to an in classroom training and that is where I come into play. I conduct

  • Performance Evaluation Procedure

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    helps employees keep up with changes in the workplace, such as the introduction of new technology. Evaluation Evaluation is the periodic and systematic collection and objective analysis of evidence on public policies, programmes, projects, functions and organizations to assess issues such as relevance, performance (effectiveness and efficiency) and value for money, and recommend ways forward. Evaluation is critical for generating in-depth evidence for improving performance and decision-making. Inspection/investigation

  • Process Evaluation Memo

    1186 Words  | 5 Pages

    conduct a process evaluation of a program that aims to increase voting rates in communities that historically have had low turnout at elections. The original request was to perform an impact evaluation, but being that the program is just being implemented we will not have met any objectives. It is better to perform a process evaluation and evaluate if the program is running as intended. The process evaluation will also help us determine whether the program is ready for impact evaluation. The process evaluation

  • Proposed Evaluation

    3382 Words  | 14 Pages

    Purpose of Proposed Evaluation The purpose of this evaluation of the Ohel-Bais Ezra Outpatient Substance Abuse Program is to provide information to the agency Executive Director, David Mandel, the six current program directors and Chief Financial Officer, Howard Lorch. Mr. Mandel requested this evaluation, and he has specifically requested it to focus most specifically on the number of patients/clients served and determining if the program goals and objectives have been met. Another area of concern

  • Danielson Teacher Evaluation Report

    565 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mumford Academy is in the process of transitioning from it's prior E.A.A. evaluation system into the DPSCD Danielson teacher evaluation system. For the past two months, school leadership has been norming themselves under the Danielson rubric to develop a clear understanding of the new evaluation system. Under the Danielson Rubric tenured teachers are observed four times during the year. Two announced observations as well as two unannounced observations. The observation sequence for non-tenured

  • Pros And Cons Of Teacher Evaluation

    794 Words  | 4 Pages

    appraised. But most commonly used method is evaluating by students. Though there are some debates on the validity of students’ teacher evaluation but still it is used in many universities. Doyle (1983), and Centra (1993) state that students’ ratings should be only one of several forms of evaluation used to shed light on teaching effectiveness. Peer review, self evaluation, teaching portfolios and student achievement as examples should also be used ( Dargahi & Mohammadzadeh 2013). Self assessment of faculty

  • Final Technical Evaluation Report

    1138 Words  | 5 Pages

    This paper will discuss integrity and fairness in regards to technical evaluations, factors used to determine the competitive range, outline of the final technical evaluation report, factors for evaluating price, and examine methods of price analysis. Defend the purpose of technical evaluations in regard to the importance of integrity and fairness The technical evaluation panel is a method to prevent any bias or any unethical favoritism in regards to awarding contracts to vendors. This panel can

  • Substance Abuse Evaluation Paper

    1900 Words  | 8 Pages

    Introduction The purpose of this program evaluation is to determine whether the treatment currently being provided to the clients in the Acme mental health agency for alcohol and substance abuse is producing the desired positive outcomes in their clients. The mission of the agency is to help people take their lives back by breaking the grips that addiction has over their lives. Therefore, the stakeholders within the agency wants to confirm the treatment they are providing their clientele is benefitting

  • Program Evaluation Matrix Paper

    507 Words  | 3 Pages

    My program committee and I have created a program evaluation matrix to begin our planning process. We have identified two objectives that address or correlate with the assessment goals, evaluation targets and stakeholders involved in the program. Chen (2015) differentiates activities from objectives as the “achievements of the implementation on its way to reaching final goals” (p. 107). Evaluating the Leveled Literacy Intervention program (LLI), it is necessary to have clear goals or objectives that

  • Hrm 531 Performance Evaluation Paper

    525 Words  | 3 Pages

    descriptions. “Since performance evaluations provide management with essential information for making strategic decisions about employee advancement, retention, or separation” (pynes pg 304), it is important for employees to receive feedback from their supervisors and be allowed to have a voice in their future within the company as well as being proactive in improving their work environment. Future training, development, and education can be discussed at these performance evaluations. The objective is to

  • Town Of Ajax Job Evaluation Report

    660 Words  | 3 Pages

    chance to get involved in the Town of Ajax’s Job Evaluation Committee 2016. For unionized employees (Union Local 54, and Fire Fighter Union 1092 of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)), the Town of Ajax has internal Job Evaluation Committee (JE). For exempt group members (who are not members of the union or non-unionized employees), job evaluation process is usually completed by the Town’s compensation consultant. The main purpose of the Job Evaluation Committee is to provide outline of the position

  • Examples Of Evidence Based Evaluation Plan

    401 Words  | 2 Pages

    Evidence-based evaluation plan Because there are several challenges to consider when assessing children (rapid developmental rate, environmental and cultural factors, limited expressive language, and possible hidden disabilities), the Client’s evaluation plan should be individualized and based on ongoing assessment methods. Formal and informal assessments would be needed to monitor progress as well as to objectively determine which interventions would be the most effective in addressing the Client’s

  • Program Evaluation And Political Environment

    457 Words  | 2 Pages

    Program evaluation has to be objective, methodological, and scientific. Still, program evaluation is overshadow by political, interpersonal, and ethical issues. However, an evaluator needs to navigate between the objectivity required in a program evaluation and the political interests of stakeholders. Therefore, a program evaluation should listen and observe carefully to learn the perspective and to understand the political environment where the evaluation is taking place. Objectivity and political

  • Treatment Evaluation Case Study

    511 Words  | 3 Pages

    Treatment Evaluation Treatment evaluation is an evidence-based that a practitioner incorporates with well-researched interventions providing clinical experience and ethics, as well as, culture to conduct also, to inspire the delivery treatments and services. However, evaluation informs a client whether a service given was appropriate or not. Moreover, at the micro level practice, evaluation helps practitioners to know how successful their work with a client has been and how satisfied client were

  • Aw Research And Evaluation Strategy Case Study

    876 Words  | 4 Pages

    ACW Research and Evaluation Strategy Summary Research and evaluation is the foundation to policy and project development. It is essential that public funds are spent on activities that provide the greatest possible cultural, economic and social return. We need to be able to explain, clearly and accurately, the impact that our investment is having in achieving our priorities. The Arts Council of Wales is experiencing a time of change and one of the main drivers of this change is the increasing demand

  • Donald Kirkpatrick's Four Level Evaluation Model

    1003 Words  | 5 Pages

    Evaluation of teaching and learning can have different purposes, including collecting feedback for teacher improvement, developing a portfolio for job applications, or gathering data as part of personnel decisions, such as reappointment or for a promotion. To collect information for improvement can be informal and focus on specific areas an individual r wishes to develop. When the purpose of evaluation is decision making, it is important to use a comprehensive and systematic process. Since there

  • Sample Evaluation Plan Paper

    827 Words  | 4 Pages

    Evaluation Plan Recommendations are important because they purpose the best course of action and improvements for academic programs. Effective recommendations can be made when the mission of an institution is examined, and it is determined whether it is meeting its goals and accreditation requirements. Truly effective recommendations can be characterized as being detailed, evaluative, in-depth, and “answers questions that are important to the various departments” (Banta and Palomba, 2015). In

  • Evaluation And Termination Case Study

    488 Words  | 2 Pages

    Evaluation and Termination Evaluation is used within a case to assess the interventions and their impact on the client (Interventions, 2018). With collaboration from the program coordinator, Mr. Smith’s volunteer guardian, and the student intern, a Service Plan Outcome Checklist was devised was a way to evaluate change. The checklist included restoring Mr. Smith’s physical and psychological health and finding Mr. Smith long-term housing. The overall outcome of Mr. Smith’s involuntary commitment is

  • The Importance Of Evaluation Research

    912 Words  | 4 Pages

    Evaluation research is a new element of scientific research which is a guide for conducting and gathering evidence research (Monette, Sullivan & DeJong, 2011). This paper will explain evaluation research and its importance. Also, this paper will describe two types of evaluation research along with providing examples of each using two journal articles and give one example of the following topics: formative research, proximal goal and the long-term goal of our research proposal. Describe research evaluation