Infectious disease Essays

  • Causes Of Infectious Diseases

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    The term "disease" refers to conditions that impair normal tissue function. However, there are fundamentally different causes for each of these diseases. An infectious disease is a disease that is caused by the invasion of a host by agents whose activities harm the host's tissues (that is, they cause disease) and can be transmitted to other individuals (that is, they are infectious). Infectious diseases, being one of the main causes of death worldwide, account for approximately one-half of all deaths

  • Leprosy: An Infectious Disease

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    Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae. The disease mainly affects the skin and peripheral nerves. It has an incubation period of about 5 years, and some people may only begin to notice symptoms 20 years after being infected. These symptoms may include: • Loss of feeling in the arms, legs, hands and feet • Muscle weakness • Skin sore or lumps which are lighter in comparison to the infected person’s normal skin colour, have decreased sensations to touch, heat

  • Infectious Diseases In America

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    The history of infectious diseases in America predates the establishment of the United States. Colonial children were afflicted by many epidemic contagious diseases, and a number of very graphic descriptions have been recorded.1 As research and medical advances have increased, more vaccinations have been developed to prevent and eliminate some of these once deadly diseases. The pace of progress regarding infectious diseases of children accelerated during the 18th Century, particularly with respect

  • Difference Between Communicable And Infectious Disease

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    contrast the terms communicable and infectious disease. There are similarities and differences between communicable disease and infectious disease. Communicable disease is when the disease is transmitted from an affected individual to another individual (person to person). In order to be considering a communicable disease there has to be direct contact between either the individuals or vector. Yellow fever is an example of a communicable disease. Infectious disease is when bacteria, protozoans, fungi

  • Essay On Non Infectious Diseases

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    Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another. Infectious Diseases, including HIV/Helps, tuberculosis, malaria, polio, and many neglected tropical Diseases are often spread through personal get in touch with, water, and air, (numerous NTDs are usually vector borne – transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, etc.) and so are a particularly significant issue in developing

  • Sputum: The Importance Of Spitting In Infectious Disease

    1008 Words  | 5 Pages

    Sputum contains a lot of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens. Respiratory infectious diseases, like influenza, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, measles, pertussis, diphtheria and other pathogens, are spread through the sputum, very dangerous. Spitting there are many hazards, not only can cause health problems, in infectious disease multiple times, phlegm is a highly damaging route of transmission, inadvertently freely spit sputum are likely to have increased 10 people infected with the

  • Tuberculosis: Leading Infectious Disease Killer

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    Tuberculosis is one of the leading infectious disease killers around the world. There has been twenty thousand to two-hundred thousand cases in the United States just this past year. Tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis usually infects the lungs however, it can also attack kidneys, spines, brains, or any other body part. Not everyone infected with tuberculosis bacteria becomes sick. There are two different types of tuberculosis

  • Pursuing A Degree In Immunology And Infectious Diseases

    863 Words  | 4 Pages

    Personal Statement UCL and Birkbeck’s reputation for excellence in science, specifically in molecular biology and infectious diseases, makes this four-year PhD programme on the fundamental mechanisms of disease the ideal start to my scientific career. Undertaking my doctoral training in this environment will give me the best conceivable means to develop my research interests in virus-host interactions on a molecular scale. I have both the academic ability and commitment to enjoy and be highly

  • Understand The Main Causes Of Diseases Essay

    500 Words  | 2 Pages

    causes of disease There are four main different categories of diseases, the first is infectious this can be passed on through person to person, this causes viruses, bacteria and fungus an example of this is thrush which is a fungus bacterium. Secondly there is the deficiency disease an example of this is anemia which is caused by lack of iron. There is also the hereditary disease an example of this disease is sickle cell and cystic fibrosis. Lastly there is the physiological disease an example

  • Spread Of Disease Essay

    1374 Words  | 6 Pages

    Alex Selawry IB Math Exploration Modeling the Spread of Infectious Diseases December 2014 Introduction: Infectious diseases, pandemics or epidemics have plagued (no pun intended) humankind for as long as we can remember. Some notable diseases we have fought through are for example the Black Death, or Black plague that crept up from Asia and killed an estimated 75 million people in the 13th century, wiping out 25 to 50% of the European population. HIV or AIDS is another well-known pandemic that

  • The Importance Of Infection Prevention In Health Care

    909 Words  | 4 Pages

    and awareness of transmission disease throughout the procedure of a radiology examination.Understanding the modes of transmission of infectious organisms and apply the basic protocol of infection prevention and control at all time is important to interrupt the chain of transmission of the bacteria or viruses and minimize the spread of disease among the society. In the first place,due to the routine patient contact in the diagnostic radiology department,any infectious agent transmitted by the contact

  • Causes Of Chicken Pox Essay

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    experts to know what causes chickenpox and what dreadful effects that may occur in order to get suitable ways to treat it. They exert their utmost efforts and try all possible ways to identify its reasons. Actually, Chickenpox (varicella) is an infectious illness that causes an itchy rash and red spots in the whole body. As a matter of fact, scientists affirm that Chickenpox can cause terrible problems for pregnant women, infants, teens and adults, and people who suffer from immune system problems

  • The Masque Of The Red Death And Climate Change Could Spread Plague

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the stories “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe wrote about an infectious disease. Whereas in “Climate Change Could Spread Plague” it tells how the infectious diseases are spread. In 1918, a devastating flu pandemic killed 20 million people worldwide. Have you ever thought about what the human cost would be if a similar pandemic occurred today? There would be so many sick people all over the world. The cost to help these sick/infected people would cost so much to help cure the worldwide

  • Discoveries That Changed Medicine Before World War 2

    483 Words  | 2 Pages

    Stopping the Silent Killers: The Discoveries that Changed Medicine in War Before World War II the majority of fatalities in war were not caused by trauma but by diseases. Common diseases like dysentery, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever, smallpox and the influenza would wipe out entire camps of soldiers before bullets were ever fired. WWII marked the transition to trauma causing the most fatalities. Trauma wounds are defined as an injury to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agents like bullets, shrapnel

  • Vaccination Argumentative Essay

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    Many Americans were hurt by infectious diseases, many of which could have been prevented by vaccinations. Some Americans choose not to vaccinate or do not have access to vaccinations. Not only does a lack of vaccination possibly hurt the unvaccinated person, it can be harmful to Americans around the unvaccinated person because not everyone can be vaccinated. Everything has possible side effects, but everyone needs to make sure they are educated and understand that the risks outweigh the benefits

  • Penicillin: The Greatest Hero

    365 Words  | 2 Pages

    The greatest hero of World War II may come as a surprise. Penicillin is responsible for saving hundreds of thousands of lives from infectious diseases during the war. Penicillin took a while to become a widely used medicine, but its effects were revolutionary. To lead off, the first discovery of penicillin was made by Alexander Fleming. This monumental discovery happened to have been found and created by accident. After returning from a month long vacation, Fleming noticed something in one of

  • Pros And Cons Of Vaccination

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    Involuntary Injections Imperative to Immunity Infectious disease has been a critical health concern since society moved to agrarian tactics in which humans often interact with domesticated animals on farms. An epidemic forms when enough individuals in a given community contract the disease. When the disease begins to spread across a range of communities, it becomes a pandemic (Link). These pandemics have become disastrous tragedies in the past that wiped out millions of innocent civilians.

  • Argumentative Essay On Vaccinate Children

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    we assure that these diseases do not have a chance in our future either. To put this idea into perspective, consider that “[just one infected [person] could set us back more than fifty years if our own population is not protected” (Vaccine Safety). Fifty years of medical research and success could be lost due to a group of children who weren’t vaccinated. This is one of the issues that could evolve if parents do not vaccinate their children. The eradication of the disease we have would have to be

  • Ebola Protocol

    530 Words  | 3 Pages

    The current hospital protocol for Ebola is to identify (screen and speak up); isolate (place or in private room on contact and droplet precautions); escalate (immediate coordination of care with infectious disease, department management, and administration); and protect (use proper PPE when caring for suspected or confirmed Ebola patients). It has been said that rules and policies arise from errors and mistakes. This may very well be true, for the educational push for the current practice of caring

  • Child Vaccination Argumentative Essay

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    contagious, some parents still refused to vaccinate their children with MMR. Furthermore, in “The Doctors” show Dr.Travis Stork said that it's not an epidemic^2 because there are vaccinations for Measles, but he is afraid of Measles becoming an epidemic disease again, due to parents not vaccinating their children, like years ago when 4 Million people had Measles. Unlike Doctor Travis, Barbara Loe Fisher says that it's not an epidemic according to her statistics. Also, she refers that vaccination is harmful