Iraq War Essays

  • Explain The Stages Of The Iraq War

    840 Words  | 4 Pages

    The War and its Stages In the 8 year long period of conflict between Iran and Iraq, the war had four stages. The first stage dealt with the Iraqi Offensive. This started in September of 1980 and went on for about two months. This phase included Iraq pushing into Iran’s borders and attacking highly populated areas with air strikes. Iraq got 50 miles into Iran in a matter of a couple days. Iraq failed to have air superiority against the Air Force of Iran. However, Iraq actually managed to gain Khorramshahr

  • Persuasive Essay On Iraq War

    1335 Words  | 6 Pages

    War is almost always a breeding ground for destruction, violence and hatred. The Iraq war however, went a step further to cause the birth of the international terrorist group known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). According to a report by Amnesty International, the emergence of ISIS is directly connected to the U.S led invasion of Iraq in 2003 ( This invasion followed President George Bush’s declaration of war on Iraq since evidence gathered by his administration

  • Iraq War 2003 Essay

    479 Words  | 2 Pages

    The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 was found to be the largest, longest and most costly in terms of the use of armed force by the U.S. since the Vietnam War that happened back in 1955 until 1975. The invasion began on the 20th March 2003 where the U.S. was joined by the United Kingdom and several coalition allies by launching bombing campaign toward Iraq. The war had started due to the armed conflict in Iraq in which prior to the war, Iraq was then claimed for alleged possession of weapons of mass

  • Iraq War Pros And Cons

    744 Words  | 3 Pages

    The topic of Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), has been in the news for months, even years at this point. The ongoing debate of US involvement in Iraq, and the topic of what to do with ISIS seem never ending with barely any consensus among the US Government or with world leaders. In the articles assigned we see a plethora of opinions on these two hot topics that can be summarized with this; The United States was wrong in getting involved in Iraq militarily and was correct

  • Dramatic Effects Of The Iraq War

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    The Iraq War The Iraq War started on March 20, 2003. George W. Bush being the president of the United States at the time and saddam hussien leading Iraq. The war started because the US accused Iraq president Saddam Hussein of building weapons of mass destruction such as nukes and biological weapons. On March 20th the US invaded Iraq. When Saddam Hussein was removed from power there was a power vacuum for who would control Iraq. Jay Garner took over iraq leading the Iraq governing council.

  • Iraq War 2003 Essay

    680 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. The first Gulf War of 1991 had a direct influence on the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. The United Nations had mandated that Iraq get rid of their biological weapons and move out of Kuwait. It was largely believed by the first Bush and Clinton administrations that the numerous economic and military agreements would help the people of Iraq stage a coup or overthrow of Saddam Hussein. However, in late 2002 – early 2003, Iraq was found to still be in possession of weapons of mass destruction, that they

  • Iraq War Justified Essay

    789 Words  | 4 Pages

    United States started the infamous “War on Terrorism”; this initiative changed the political landscape of America to this day and prompted the U.S invasion of Iraq in 2003 after faulty intelligence was found that suggested weapons of mass destruction (WMDS) may be present. In this war over four hundred thousand civilians have been killed and over three thousand Americans have lost their lives. Even with the several United Nations (UN) resolution violations of Iraq, they posed no imminent threat to

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Iraq War

    386 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Going to war was the only unselfish thing I have ever done for humanity,” said David Niven. In Iraq, March 2003, the U.S went to war with ISIS. George W. Bush said the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, was hiding nuclear weapons to kill a lot of people. When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he brought the last U.S troops home. He then took the rest of the troops out in 2011 because it cost too much money for too many deaths. Removing troops from Iraq was a mistake because ISIS got stronger and the

  • Argumentative Essay On The Iraq War

    498 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Iraq War began in March 20, 2003 and ended in December 18, 2011 but these are more than just dates. These are the markers of countless deaths that tally marked the so-called war on terror. Even though this “war on terror” was inspired by 9/11—an event which redefined the USA’s definition of freedom—America never hesitated to create exact replicas of said triggering event over and over and over again. Our country became a country of terrorists who claim to protect their own civil liberties and

  • Iran War And Iraq War

    583 Words  | 3 Pages

    Iran and Iraq war The Iran and Iraq war was in September 22,1980 and ended in August 20,1980. The Iran and Iraq started by the Iraqi forces going into Iran borders and taking over Iran. Iraq had many support unites their was seven the names are Soviet Union ,France ,Qatar ,United States, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Jordan and The MEK. Iran had the KDP and PUK as allied. The support was Syria and North Korea. Iraq used extensive chemical weapons and so did Iran The United states provided

  • Why The Iraq War Started Essay

    677 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Iraq War started on March 20th, 2003 and ended on December 11th, 2011. The Iraq war had engaged in terror because of the dictator by the name of Saddam Hussein; he started tension between the West and Iraq. It was considered a “protracted” armed conflict, and the US wanted to invade Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s government. The Iraq war is also known as the second Persian-Gulf war. During the invasion in 2003 both troops from the US and Britain combined to invade Iraq. The Bush administration

  • Mott Hall And The Iraq-Iran War

    883 Words  | 4 Pages

    Iraq & Iran war Research paper The attack of Iran by Iraq started the launch of the Iraq-Iran war. This attack introduced attacks through all of Iran on 22nd September 1980.As a result, there was a history of long border mistakes as well as Shia revolution's fears among the Shia majority group which had been controlled and hidden for a long time in Iraq.The Iran-Iraq War lasted for almost eight years.This was among the most cruel wars that

  • Iraq War Research Paper

    1349 Words  | 6 Pages

    The issue of the Iraq war is still one of the most controversial wars that the United States has ever led. Before the 9/11 attacks, the United States starting a war against Iraq, would have been highly unlikely. In 2003, the United States backed by the United Kingdom, decided to invade Iraq. One of the main reasons that led to this decision was the fact that Iraq was thought to have weapons of mass destruction, which would pose a threat both to the United States of America and, by extension, to the

  • Minor Essay: Iraq War 2003

    1258 Words  | 6 Pages

    Minor essay: Iraq War 2003 Iraq War, the war between Saddam Hussein government and coalition forces led by the US, which happens around 2000s, the topic that is significant for its ability to provide better understanding about the international situation in the Middle East and the role of the United States. While there are two different aspects presented by liberalist and realists respectively for this topic, however, between these two theories, realism theory is a more well-cut-out theoretical lens

  • Long Term Effects Of The Iraq War

    1616 Words  | 7 Pages

    In March 2003, the United States launched a military invasion of Iraq that set off a chain reaction of events, sparking heated debates about weapons of mass destruction, regime change, and the limits of American power in the world. The invasion was supported by a coalition of other countries, against the regime of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. The campaign began on March 20, 2003, and lasted for about six weeks, culminating in the capture of Baghdad and the collapse of the Iraqi government. The invasion

  • Why Did The United States Declare War On Iraq

    942 Words  | 4 Pages

    decision to declare war on Iraq. The United States goals were to protect its interests in the region, including the protecting Kuwaiti oil productions, while also liberating Kuwait from their Iraqi invaders and force Iraq to leave the country. Since Kuwait had invested money into the United States, they were obliged to help the leaders of the country, as the United States risked losing these investments if the government

  • Argumentative Essay: The War In Iraq

    840 Words  | 4 Pages

    The war in Iraq 20 March 2003 was the day everything changed, this was the day Americans stepped foot onto that foreign desert land that we now know of as Iraq. Many people have their own opinion about if the United States made the right decision deciding to go to war with this country. There are both positive and negative attributes that have come from us going to war. As stated before Americans are either for this decision or against. Personally, I am against us going to war due to: the lies and

  • War On Iraq: Movie Analysis

    753 Words  | 4 Pages

    This was one of the first movies to describe the war on Iraq after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The movie takes a look on the daily life of a bomb squad. The protagonist gives a look into the mind of a USA soldier during the war on terrorism. US Army Sergeant First Class Will James, Sergeant JT Sanborn and Specialist Owen Eldridge comprise the Bravo Company's bomb disposal unit currently stationed in Baghdad. James is the tech team leader. When James arrives on the scene, Bravo Company has thirty-nine

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Iraq War

    433 Words  | 2 Pages

    Since 2001 when the war began, there had been many casualties. According the article “U.S. military casualties and the costs of war” on, during the Iraq War, 4,475 U.S. service members were killed and 32,220 were wounded; in Afghanistan, 2,165 have been killed and 18,230 wounded. As a result of battle injuries in the Iraq War, 991 service members received wounds that required amputations; 797 lost major limbs, such as a leg. In Afghanistan, 724 have had to undergo amputations

  • The Iraq War Essay

    643 Words  | 3 Pages

    The war in Iraq is still to this day one of the “consequential and contentious in U.S. history. Two sides butting heads, over moral, religious, geographical, and down right prideful reasons occurred on and off the battleground. The Iraq War was the catalyst, that generated two opposing sides that either advocated for the breaking of state sovereignty by entering into Iraq or advocated that there is no actually evidence for such breach of global law. Many influential factors impacted the decisions